Prevent in Newcastle

Prevent in Newcastle

Prevent is a part of the Government's Counter Terrorism Strategy that aims to tackle the ideological causes of terrorism.  Prevent works with people who are at risk of becoming involved with terrorism or supporting terrorism.

If you are concerned about someone who may be at risk of radicalisation  and you wish to discuss your concerns then please get in touch with

Where a concern is raised that a person may be being drawn into supporting terrorism, a Prevent referral should be made using the Prevent referral form.  If you wish to discuss your concerns before the Prevent referral is made, please email  

Each Prevent referral is assessed and in some cases the  person referred will require one to one multi-agency support which is called Channel. Those that do not require Channel support may be sign-posted to the most appropriate agency to deal with the concern.

Channel is a voluntary, confidential programme which safeguards people identified as vulnerable to being drawn into terrorism. It is a multi-agency process, involving partners from the local authority, the police, education, health providers and others.

In an emergency where your own or others' safety is at risk call 999.


What is Prevent?

  1. About Prevent
  2. Understand why Prevent is important to reduce terrorism
  3. Spot the signs of radicalisation
  4. What to do if you’re worried about someone 
  5. What happens when a person is referred to Prevent
  6. Find out more about how Prevent works


Local Resources

  1. Local Governance Chart
  2. Channel Privacy Notice
  3. Prevent - Handbook for Elected Members
  4. Prevent - two minute guide.pdf
  5. Prevent - bulletin 1 
  6. Prevent - bulletin 2
  7. Prevent - bulletin 3 
  8. Prevent - bulletin 4 
  9. Prevent-bulletin 5
  10. Prevent Factsheet (July 2023)



For more information, please contact our Prevent team by emailing:


Anti-Terrorist Hotline 

If you are concerned about a person who may do something to harm themselves and/or other people, you can call the Anti-Terrorist Hotline on 0800 789 321.

Report online material promoting terrorism or extremism

You can report any illegal terrorist information, pictures, videos found on the internet through the Government's website:



Useful links

ACT Early -  Counter Terrorism Policing safeguarding website 


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