Benefit advice services in Newcastle

Benefit advice services in Newcastle

On this page you will find details of independent, free, benefits, money advice and support in Newcastle.

Where to get advice in Newcastle booklet
Newcastle Welfare Rights Service
Universal Credit support for Newcastle residents

Also see Support in Newcastle for those affected by the cost of living crisis 

Where to get advice in Newcastle booklet

This booklet lists organisations offering benefits advice, debt advice and money support for Newcastle residents. Please note that we cannot guarantee the quality of service provided by the organisations listed in this booklet.  

Open the booklet: Where to Get Advice in Newcastle March 2024 (pdf, 413kb)

There is also information on organisations who can provide advice on debt and managing money on our debt and money advice page.

Newcastle City Council Welfare Rights Service team

The council's Welfare Rights team provide a targeted service, only carrying out welfare benefits casework for Newcastle residents who are in the following groups:

  • people who are pension age
  • people with severe and enduring mental health problems
  • people who have a learning disability
  • people who have a social care package
  • children with disabilities and their carers
  • care leavers
  • carers
  • people with a critical illness
  • people with a registered sensory impairment and
  • people who have been offered a job and require a 'better off calculation'

Available to any Newcastle resident

Benefit public  advice line
Phone: 0191 277 2627
Monday to Friday, 9:30am to 12 noon


For the debt advice line by the City Council’s Money Matters team, see ‘Local debt advice services’ on the debt and money advice page.

Professionals, volunteers and Councillors can get advice, make referrals and find out about and sign up for Benefit Bulletins, 'Where to get advice in Newcastle' booklet and benefit training on our Information for professionals and volunteers webpage.

Universal Credit support for Newcastle residents

Newcastle's independent advice services and other services can provide Newcastle's residents with various kinds of help or advice with Universal Credit. Details on Universal Credit support in Newcastle

For all other benefits and how to contact them

See our benefits information page where clicking on each benefit will take you to further details about that benefit. You can also find benefit details by going to the benefits page.

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