Current Vacancies

We are always on the look out for talented, dedicated and passionate Children's Social Workers. We have a variety of vacancies, in teams across our service, suitable for experienced social workers, people looking to take the next step in their career or recently qualified social workers. 

We work closely with our HR colleagues to make the application process as streamlined and simple as possible, focusing on skills, experience and qualifications as well as looking closely at the personality of the people applying. 

All our current vacancies are detailed below, clicking on one of these links will take you to the external site - Jobs North East - a site that is used by Local Authorities to advertise vacancies and manage applications. 


Current Vacancies. 

Social Worker - (Reviewing Team)

Contract Type: Fixed Term
Salary: Unprogressed £33,945 - £37,336 per annum. Progressed £38,223 - £42,403 per annum
Employment Location: North East England

Social Worker (Learning Disability and Autism Team)

Contract Type: Please See Advert Text
Salary: Unprogressed £33,945 - £37,336 per annum, pro rata. Progressed £38,223 - £42,403 per annum, pro rata
Employment Location: Newcastle upon Tyne