Allocations and lettings policy

Our allocations and lettings policy policy sets out how council homes and a significant proportion of housing association homes are allocated in Newcastle. All local authorities have a statutory duty to have an allocations policy as set out in the 1996 Housing Act, Part 6.

The overall aims of our policy are to:

  • meet housing need
  • make best use of available resources
  • contribute to sustainable and mixed communities
  • balance competing demands
  • make sure all customers are treated fairly

Download Allocations and lettings Policy 2017.

Changes to our allocations and lettings policy

The council's Cabinet agreed in July 2023 that changes to the Allocations and lettings policy could be made.

For more information see:

We are currently working on how we will introduce these changes and will update this webpage as more information becomes available. Until then we will continue to use the Allocations and lettings policy 2017.

We will get in touch with applicants who may be affected when the changes come into effect.

Successions, assignments and granting of discretionary tenancies policy

On 17 July 2023 the council's Cabinet agreed some changes to our Successions, assignments and granting of discretionary tenancies to existing occupants policy (Successions policy).

This is the policy that we use to decide if we can transfer or pass a tenancy from one person to another.  This is known as succession or assignment.

Succession is when a tenancy is transferred to a qualifying person after a tenant passes away.

Assignment is when a tenancy is transferred to a qualifying person when the tenant is still alive.

If it isn't possible to transfer a tenancy through succession or assignment we can sometimes grant a discretionary tenancy to a qualifying person. 

The changes to the policy will help us to:

  • meet our legal responsibilities
  • make sure successions and assignments are dealt with fairly
  • treat people sensitively and effectively at a time when they may be grieving or dealing with other difficult circumstances
  • provide a consistent approach for people who don't have the right to succession or assignment
  • make best use of our housing stock.

You can read or download our new Successions policy here.