Newcastle Great Park

Newcastle Great Park

Find out more about Newcastle Great Park

For more information and key messages about  Newcastle Great Park please visit

What's happening where you live?

Gosforth and Newcastle Great Park School Places

Middle school and high school places will be provided through the new school at Newcastle Great Park for year 5 to year 11 pupils and the expansion of Gosforth Central Middle School.

The new middle/secondary school will be run by Gosforth Federated Academies Trust at Newcastle Great Park. The Department for Education will be responsible for delivering the middle-secondary school on site. The school is due to be completed and occupied by September 2025.

What's on the Great Park?

Newcastle Great Park (NGP) is located three miles north west of Newcastle City Centre, close to the A1 road. It is a major development which has:

  • A Business Park
  • Housing
  • Town Centre
  • Schools
  • Nursery Provision
  • Community Facilities
  • Open Space
  • Play Areas and Outdoor Sport

The scheme is being delivered by the Great Park Consortium, which includes the house builders Persimmon Homes, and Taylor Wimpey. Parts of the development have also been built by Barratt.

Newcastle Great Park Residents Associations

There is a Residents Association in Newcastle Great Park:

Great Park Neighbourhood Association

Town Centre

For Newcastle Great Park town centre updates please visit the Newcastle Great Park website.

If you are interested in finding out about the retail units in the Town Centre contact @retail.

Allotment site

There will also be allotment sites on the Newcastle Great Park. To find out more please contact 

Public Transport and Travel

For more information about travelling to or from Newcastle Great Park please visit the NGP website.

Planning applications

Current planning applications for the Newcastle Great Park can be assessed via Newcastle City Council's planning portal.

Cell A

Cell A is North West of Newcastle Great Park. There are plans for 1200 homes. Havannah Primary School is located there and the Secondary/Middle School provision including playing pitches will be in Cell A.  For more information about Cell A please visit the Newcastle Great Park website.

Useful Contacts

Newcastle Great Park Communities Officer

Sue Wannop is the Newcastle Great Park Communities Officer. Her job is to make sure that as the population grows, people living on the Great Park are able to get involved in its future planning and activities.

You can contact Sue by:
Phone: 0191 277 3536
Post: Floor 2, Civic Centre, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8QH

Project Lead and Planning:

Sarah Davitt, Team Manager Planning
Phone: 0191 277 8949

Traffic  or 0191 27827878 and ask for 'traffic'.

If you want to report issues or discuss queries with the Consortium, you can do so via their website:

Did you know?

Newcastle Great Park schools update

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