Report fraud to us

Report fraud to us

Fraud within the public sector costs the taxpayer billions every year.

Report fraud to us online

Types of fraud

There are a number of different frauds which may be committed against a council.

Benefit fraud

Benefit fraud relates to Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) related benefits such as:

  • Housing Benefit
  • Universal Credit
  • Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • Working Tax Credits

We do not investigate benefit fraud and you must report it directly to the government.

Report benefit fraud to the DWP 

Housing or tenancy fraud

Application fraud

Application fraud where somebody lies about their circumstances to get a property or to be moved up the housing list. This could prevent those in the most need from getting a property and could mean families end up in temporary accommodation unnecessarily.

Illegal sub-letting

Illegal sub-letting is where a council or housing association tenant does not live in their property and then rents part or all of it out to somebody else. This can result in sub-tenants being exploited. Also, the tenant may be illegally profiting from the sub-let.

Right to buy or Right to acquire fraud

Right to buy and Right to acquire frauds are where somebody lies or provides false information to enable them to buy their property when they would otherwise not be entitled to (for example, if they are not living at the property). This reduces the number of properties available for those who need them. As a result, more properties may need to be built and this is expensive.


Abandonment is where somebody has a property but does not live in it and lives somewhere else instead. These properties remain empty or might be getting used as storage. They could be used by somebody with a greater need instead.

Succession fraud

Succession fraud where somebody lies about living in a property to enable them to get the tenancy after someone has died. People may do this to keep a property they do not need or would not get if they had to follow the normal application process.

Council tax fraud

Council tax fraud may include lying about who lives in a property or the circumstances of people living in a property to get discounts (for example single person discount, student discount or a discounted bill through the Council Tax Reduction Scheme).

Business rates fraud

Business rates fraud is where someone does not tell us they are operating a business, or they lie about the business to avoid paying the correct fees.

Social care payment fraud

Social care payment fraud is where a person lies about their circumstances to get extra money, does not spend the money on care but spends it on other things or lies about their family member being their carer.

Grant claim fraud

Grant claim fraud is where individuals or organisations provide false information to obtain grant money they are not eligible for or do not spend the grant money for the reasons it was provided.

Blue badge and parking permit fraud

Blue badge or parking permit fraud is where somebody continues to use a blue badge / permit after the badge holder has died, uses the blue badge where the person is not in the vehicle or gives the parking permit to other people who would not be entitled to it.

Insurance fraud

Insurance fraud is where somebody lies about what has happened and makes a dishonest claim against the council to try to get a pay-out or compensation.

Council employee fraud

Council employee fraud could include an employee abusing their position to get a family member or friend a job with the council or to get them a council house.

Contractor or supplier fraud

Contractor or supplier fraud could include companies providing gifts or services in kind to a councillor or employee in return for an award of contract.

How to report fraud to us

If you think you are a victim of fraud, or suspect that someone is committing fraud or corruption against or within Newcastle City Council please report it.

If you have been the victim of a fraud we will direct you to the right team to offer advice and support.

You can report your allegation anonymously or provide contact details if you are willing to be contacted to discuss it.

Please provide as much information as possible when reporting fraud as this will assist us in investigating the allegation. All information is treated in the strictest confidence.

To report concerns or discuss fraud related enquiries:

Report fraud to us online

Alternatively you can:

  • email us
  • call the Fraud Hotline on 0191 277 1166

Council housing tenants can also report housing or tenancy fraud in person by visiting a Housing Service Hub.

Please note, we are unable to update you on the progress and outcomes of our investigations.

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