Newcastle East - Inclusive, Healthy, Vibrant High Streets

Newcastle East - Inclusive, Healthy, Vibrant High Streets

Find out about our new grants schemes to take over empty properties and host events by clicking here

NEW  Our Adelaide Terrace scheme is now live

About the project

Newcastle has a number of local high streets in different neighbourhoods across the city - we know that some of these high streets are not doing as well as others, but we also know these high streets are vital to local communities and home to many great local businesses and community facilities providing goods and services for local people. 

This project brings together our space, communities, and businesses in the Inner East of the city – we are embarking into a transformation process where we’d like to see everybody involved in shaping the area where they live, work or visit and creating a better place for all.

Over the next two years, we will develop an investment plan which will identify schemes to be delivered in the medium and long term. While doing this, we will test out ideas, start initiating changes and pave the way for the future.

  • What is missing on our high streets? Let’s bring empty or underused shops back to life and make sure our high streets meet the need of the local communities now and in the future
  • How can we improve our public space so that it is more attractive, greener and accessible to all?
  • How can we create healthy streets, improve connectivity within the area and make it easier and safer for people, young and old to walk, wheel and cycle?

We will document our journey, share stories with others and aim to use this pilot to develop a blue print for other high streets in Newcastle.

How can I get involved?

We want local people, organisations and businesses to be involved. There will be opportunities to input at all stages to debate and shape the future of high streets. We've just completed the first step, which was to gather  to leave  some baseline information and for people to  leave their comments on our map. You can also have a look at relevant reports and research about the vision for this area and answer a few questions here.

If you run a business in our target area and are interested in receiving business advice, support and grants you can read more about it here

How can I get in touch? 

You can sign up for updates when you leave your comments, or email the Council's project team on 

This project is funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund with the North of Tyne Combined Authority as the lead authority.



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