Pilgrim Street Development Sites
Pilgrim Street Development Sites
Major development work as part of a multi-million pound investment in Newcastle city centre is under way on Pilgrim Street.
These developments will bring thousands of jobs into the city centre and will support wider regeneration and growth as well as providing a boost to local businesses.
Alongside this investment, the city council is carrying out highways improvement works to the southern section of Pilgrim Street, between Market Street and Mosley Street, This includes resurfacing, new paving, improved pedestrian crossing facilities and a new two-way cycle lane.
Temporary traffic arrangements are needed while these works are completed and there may be changes to some bus stops and routes in this part of the city. For more information about bus services visit the Nexus website.
Details of the current temporary traffic arrangements are as follows:
Pilgrim Street, between Mosley Street and Market Street
There is currently one lane only, heading northbound, for traffic using this section of Pilgrim Street. Southbound traffic can travel via Grey Street.
Resurfacing on this section of Pilgrim Street and Swan House Roundabout will take place overnight from 7pm between 24 March and 17 April.
The work will be completed in the following phases:
- Swan House Roundabout from Tyne Bridge off slip to Mosley Street entry. 24 March – 28 March. Access from Mosley Street to Pilgrim Street will still be available.
- Swan House Roundabout from Mosley Street exit to Pilgrim Street entry. 31 March – 3 April, excluding 2 April to avoid a clash with the Newcastle United home game. Access to Pilgrim Street will be two way and from Market Street only during these closures.
- Swan House Roundabout at the Pilgrim Street exit. 4 April – 7 April. Access from Mosley Street to Pilgrim Street will still be available.
- Pilgrim Street from the Swan House Roundabout to Worswick Street. 8 April – 17 April.
Overnight closures will normally be between 7pm and midnight on weekdays only, although some extended closures until 1am may be required at certain times.
During these temporary overnight closures signed diversions will be in place for drivers and cyclists. Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times.
Market Street, east of Pilgrim Street
Closures will be in place between around 13 March and 31 March. These closures are to enable utility works to be carried out as well as the safe removal of large equipment by the developer working on the new HMRC premises.
Pilgrim Street, between Market Street and New Bridge Street West
The southbound section of Pilgrim Street between New Bridge Street West and Market Street, will remain closed until the completion of construction works.
The footpath on the northbound side of the carriageway will remain open, and pedestrian access to Hood Street will be maintained.
Vehicles will also still be able to travel northbound to access Hood Street but delivery vehicles leaving the bottom of Northumberland Street will need to turn right and travel along Blackett Street during the closure.
Cyclists will still be able to travel northbound on this part of Pilgrim Street but are advised to use John Dobson Street as an alternative route southbound.
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