Blakelaw and North Fenham Community Council

Blakelaw and North Fenham Community Council

The Community Council is based within Newcastle City Council's Blakelaw ward.

Meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month (except August and December) in the Community Room at Moorland House, Moulton Place, Blakelaw, Newcastle upon Tyne NE5 3RY.   The timings of the Full Council meetings may vary throughout the year therefore please contact the Clerk for further details. 
Sub Group Meeting details are below:

Combined Environmental and Community Engagement Group (meeting held via Zoom), all Community Councillors are invited to attend the meetings, Chair - John Wears

Staffing Group (closed meeting), Community Council Committee x4, Chair - John Wears and Members - Jimmy Gill and Ann Keenan.

Budget Meeting, All Community Councillors

The Parish Council have their own website - where you will be able to find out more about the Council and be able to view or download agenda, reports and minutes.

Members of the public are welcome to attend and raise any issues before the commencement of the formal business.  If you wish to speak during the formal business session, please indicate this to the Chair by raising your hand.  The Chair will conduct the order of speakers and will indicate who will speak next. 

Clerk to the Community Council

Mrs Helen Richardson
Mobile: 07588 154 441

Community councillors

Blakelaw ward

Cllr John Wears - Chair
Phone: 07716 623 862
Register of Interests (pdf,204kb)

Cllr James (Jimmy) Gill - Vice Chair
Phone: 07986 131 306
Register of Interests (pdf, 218kb)


Cllr Ann Keenan
Phone: 0191 271 6547 or 07817 272 982
Register of interests (pdf, 204kb)


Cllr Violet Rook
Register of Interests (pdf, 207kb)


Cllr Deborah Playford


Cllr Deborah Wears


North Fenham ward

Cllr Maureen Kelly
Phone: 07375 019 288

There are two vacancies for community councillors in North Fenham Ward

Cragston ward

There are three vacancies for community councillors in Cragston ward.

Need more information?

Annual Governance and Accountability Return

AGAR  - if you require a copy, please contact the Clerk to the Parish Council
Accounts - if you require a copy, please contact the Clerk to the Parish Council

If you require any further information contact the Clerk to the Parish Council
Mrs Helen Richardson,
Mobile: 07588 154 441

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