Jack Brooke-Battersby
By Jack Brooke-Battersby

Senior Staff Writer

11 November 2020

| | 4 min read


Act like Covid is everywhere

Newcastle employers and their workforces which cannot operate from home are being asked to maintain the highest standards to prevent workplace Covid-19 outbreaks following a rise in infections over the past few days.

Hands, Face, Space
Hands, Face, Space

Failure to maintain social distancing in workplace breakout areas and car sharing involving different support bubbles have been pinpointed as two of the main sources of infection outside the household.

The potentially devastating impact of this could be a rise in community transmissions leading to increased hospitalisations as the virus spreads throughout more vulnerable groups of the population.

With England under a national lockdown the majority of the workforce is working from home, but it remains essential for those who do have to go into workplaces to maintain the highest possible standards.

Cllr Irim Ali, Newcastle City Council cabinet member for Neighbourhoods and Public Health, said: “Businesses and other organisations have gone to great lengths to stay open in a safe manner during the pandemic, often at great financial cost.

“But sadly, we are seeing more and more instances of workplace outbreaks and multiple cases in places such as care homes, schools, and the hospitality trade before those businesses had to close as a result of lockdown.

“The consequences of this could be devastating if the virus is allowed to take a grip among our most vulnerable residents. There is simply no room for any complacency in the fight against this deadly disease.

“My plea to everybody whenever you leave the house is to remember the virus is everywhere because it hasn’t gone away. Ensure you are socially distanced from those outside your support bubble, regularly wash your hands with soap and water and wear a face covering when required.

“If you have to travel, do so responsibly. Walk or cycle if you can or use public transport if you need to, but avoid car sharing with people outside your household or support bubble wherever possible. If one person in a private vehicle develops symptoms or tests positive, everybody travelling with them will be classified as a close contact and will be required to self-isolate.

“In places of work, make sure you follow all COVID prevention measures at all times including during breaks and quiet periods, keeping areas clean and staying apart from colleagues, and do not let standards slip when you leave work.

“Infection rates in our region remain dangerously high and it is our collective responsibility to protect those most at risk of serious illness and do what we can to prevent the NHS from becoming overwhelmed.”

Guidance for staying safe at work is available here.

Stay up to date with the latest COVID-19 developments in Newcastle at www.newcastle.gov.uk/coronavirus