1 December 2020
| | 3 min read#Decembertogether
Newcastle City Council has created a festive dream team with Active Newcastle, Connected Voice, sport stars, community champions and performing artists and created a packed programme of winter activities to bring communities together.

Every day throughout the month the #Decembertogether programme will publish an sporting challenge, craft activity, skills challenge or thought provoking performance and encourage residents throughout the city to join in.
The daily event will be published on Council, Active Newcastle and partners Social Media channels and websites using the hashtag #Decembertogether. All the events have been created with social distancing in mind and can be done with items around the home or in your local community.
The sporting challenges include a keepy up challenge from a Newcastle United Women’s team player, crazy golf, try time celebrations with the Newcastle Falcons and spotting items in your local community.
Residents will be encouraged to get creative with challenges like Creative Writing from New Writing North, cook-a-longs with Healthworks and creating a family snowman.
Communities will be able to get their dancing shoes and singing voices ready by taking part in Circus Central training and joining a pop-up choir.
There is something for everyone to take part in and enjoy throughout the month.
Newcastle City Council cabinet member for Communities and Climate Change Clare Penny-Evans said,
“The pandemic has put many of our family Christmas plans and traditions on hold and many of our families and communities have experienced extra pressures and financial hardship this year due to the pandemic.
‘The #Decembertogether programme will create new traditions and inspire our communities with ideas and challenges that will help them get in the festive spirit and celebrate the holidays this year.
‘Taking part in physical activity can boost your mental health and working alongside your children to create a crafty snowman is a lovely way to get into the Christmas spirit.
‘I would like to thank all our partners, Active Newcastle and community organisations who have got involved and helped shape the #DecemberTogether programme and would encourage all our residents, communities and families to look at the programme and get inspired to take part.’
The programme will run throughout December and is part of the full Christmas offer in Newcastle. All communities mark the festive period differently and the focus of #Decembertogether is to bring communities together safely after a turbulent year. All communities are encouraged to get involved and share their unique celebrations.
Things may be different this year, but Newcastle’s Christmas is still happening, and Newcastle City Council, NE1, NGI and partners across the city are working together to bring Christmas spirit to the city during these difficult times.
The Council is encouraging everyone to support each other and local businesses and to celebrate the festive period safely. Please remember when you are in the city centre or any other busy outside area – hands, face, space.
Videos will be available on the Active Newcastle and Newcastle City Council Facebook pages everyday from 9am.
#Decembertogether programme -
1 December - Walk and notice 5 things - Unfolding Theatre
2 December - Kettle Challenge - NUFC Women's Coach
3 December - Simple Tai Chi - Wendy/Tai Chi
4 December - Recipe Cook Along - Healthworks
5 December - Creative writing - New Writing North
6 December - Crazy Golf Challenge - Linzi/Golf Instructor
7 December - Stand Up/Sit Challenge - Nina Jenson
8 December - Winter Scene Photography - Cllr Joyce McCarty
9 December - Search for Basketball Hoops - Newcastle Eagles
10 December - Shopping Bag Workout - Unfolding Theatre
11 December - Recipe Cook Along - Healthworks
12 December A - Pop Up Choir - Pop Up Choir
12 December B - Creative Writing - New Writing North
13 December - Keepy Up Challenge - NUFC Women's Player
14 December - Festive Posters - Councillor Irim Ali
15 December - Festive Shared Reading - New Writing North
16 December - Festive Quiz! - Noel
17 December - Heritage Talks (book in advance)
18 December - Recipe Cook Along - Healthworks
19 December - Pop Up Choir (book in advance)
20 December - Touch Down Celebrations - Newcastle Falcons
21 December - Dance - Unfolding Theatre
22 December - Snowball - Stephen Miller
23 December - Snowman Crafts - Community creation
24 December - Santa - Unfolding Theatre
25 December - Christmas Day Walk - Heather
26 December - Pop Up Choir (book in advance)
27 December - Circus Central
28 December - Walking Bingo - Justin
29 December - Winter Poem - Catherine Muckie
30 December - Crafts - Pui
31 December - New Years Eve Performance - Circus Central
The first daily challenge from #Decembertogether which will be running throughout December.
December Together - 1 December
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