Jack Brooke-Battersby
By Jack Brooke-Battersby

Senior Staff Writer

30 July 2020

| | 3 min read


Face coverings to become mandatory in Newcastle’s City Library

Visitors to Newcastle’s City Library will be asked to wear face coverings when visiting the facility, starting from Friday July 31.

City Library
City Library

The City Library reopened its doors to public on July 22, following months of closure since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic.

It became the first library in the city to welcome visitors back, opening with a reduced service and a range of social distancing, hygiene and safety measures in place to protect staff and visitors.

Now, the City Library will be brought in line with shops and supermarkets in England by making the wearing of a face covering compulsory for the majority of people.

Only people with certain medical conditions and children under the age of 11 will be exempt from the new rule. It is advised that all children younger than three years old should not wear face coverings at all.

Cllr Irim Ali, Newcastle City Council cabinet member for Neighbourhoods and Public Health, said: “We were delighted to be able to reopen the City Library and the vast majority of people coming through the doors have complied with everything that has been asked of them.

 “Face coverings have already been required for people using PCs in the library, but we are now asking all visitors to wear one over their mouth and nose in the City Library unless they are exempt.

“The patience and cooperation people have already shown with staff has been excellent and we hope for a similar response to face coverings which will provide an extra layer of protection for everybody.”

As well as wearing a face covering, visitors are also required to make sure they continue to comply with social-distancing measures in place at the library and continue to wash their hands as frequently as possible with soap and water, or a hand sanitiser gel if this is not possible.

Residents should not leave their homes if they develop a new or continuous cough, a fever, or experience a change to their smell or taste senses. If any of these symptoms develop, self-isolate and book a test at www.nhs.uk

Stay up to date with developments in Newcastle at www.newcastle.gov.uk/coronavirus