Jack Brooke-Battersby
By Jack Brooke-Battersby

Senior Staff Writer

21 May 2020

| | 2 min read


Keep on clapping for carers

Residents throughout Newcastle are being urged to head to their doorsteps this evening in order to  keep clapping for our key workers.

Clap for carers
Clap for carers

It has become customary during lockdown at 8pm on Thursdays to clap in recognition of all those working on the frontline in the battle against coronavirus.

The practice has become a symbol of giving thanks across the country for the work done by all those working in the NHS, care roles and other key professions.

In Newcastle in recent weeks, some have taken expressing their appreciation to different levels. Last week, Allan Murray filled the streets around the Connie Lewcock Resource Centre in Lemington – where wife Julia is a Health and Social Care Officer, with the sound of bagpipes.

Also last week, the image of clapping hands was projected up onto the Council Chamber of Newcastle Civic Centre.

The Council Chamber has been lit up green for long periods of lockdown in recognition of the work of all the emergency services.

A spokesperson for Newcastle City Council said: “Health and care professionals in this country are saving lives on a daily basis and showing our appreciated once a week, while adhering to the social distancing guidelines, is the least we can do to recognise them.

“There have already been some wonderful expressions of gratitude shown throughout our city and I’m sure they will continue in the weeks and months ahead.”