Jack Brooke-Battersby
By Jack Brooke-Battersby

Senior Staff Writer

2 February 2023

| | 3 min read


LGBTQ+ History month in Newcastle

We're proud to be supporting LGBT+ History Month in February, celebrating the progress that has been made in equalities, while also reflecting on the inequalities and injustices that still exist.

LGBT+ History Month
LGBT+ History Month

There are a number of events taking place across Newcastle this month to mark LGBT+ History Month, including:

MESMAC - virtual LGBT+ History Month presence with the promotion of  National HIV Testing Week 6 – 12th February.  Read more on the MESMAC website.

Handing On, Holding On: Finding and keeping our LGBT+ history - Curious Arts and Discovery Museum present an event focussing on how we can preserve LGBT+ history, including items like newsletters, leaflets and posters, as well as badges, t-shirts and the other objects that form a part of all our personal and wider social history.
It will also be an opportunity to discuss the creation of an LGBT+ archive for the North East. There will be ideas and help on how to preserve items, how to create digital records to add to a local collection, as well as tours of the Stores of the Discovery Museum.

Newcastle Libraries – Are hosting a LGBT+ Teen Book Club, and you can also see featured books on their website specially selected for LGBTQ+ History Month.

More to follow..


On Wednesday 1 February, at the meeting of the city council, councillors agreed a motion presented by Cllr Alex Hay, cabinet member for a Resilient City. The motion, available on the meeting agenda, highlight the significance of LQBT+ History Month as an opportunity to shed new light on the history of LGBT+ people in the UK, a chance to celebrate LGBT+ people across the world, and recognises there is still significant work to do to tackle inequalities and hate crimes.

Find out more about LGBT+ History Month.