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Senior Staff Writer

21 April 2020

| | 3 min read


Newcastle’s Muslim community prepare for Ramadan under lockdown

With the holiest month in the Islamic calendar starting in the next few days, Newcastle’s Muslim community turn to digital technology to continue the traditions of Ramadan amid the Coronavirus.

Stay at home and help save lives
Stay at home and help save lives

The month of fasting is likely to start on Thursday (April 23), dependent on the sighting of the full moon.

Ramadan is a time of family, community, reflection, charity and prayer. Mosques are usually packed with congregational Ramadan prayers. It is a time when Muslims strengthen their faith and to remind them of the suffering of those less fortunate.

Fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam and is observed from dusk till dawn without food or water. At sunset, Muslims break their fast with a large feast with friends and family.

Giving charity is also a big part of Ramadan with British Muslims donating over £130 million in 2019.

But this year, with Coronavirus lockdown restrictions in place for at least another three weeks, Ramadan is going to be very different.

With mosques already closed, Newcastle’s Muslim community have put in place initiatives to help people stay at home in order to protect the NHS and save lives.

Newcastle Central Mosque is one of the places helping with this by live streaming online sermons and classes, as well as donating emergency care packages and hot meals.

It is also encouraging Muslims to take advantage of technology to stay connected with friends and family to avoid Ifthar gatherings, as well as paying Zakat and charity online.

Imam Abdul Basith Mohammad of Newcastle Central Mosque said “Newcastle Central Mosque would like to carry on offering its services to the congregation even in this challenging and unprecedented time. Although the building is formally closed, the Mosque has continued to provide online classes to children, lectures to the public, ladies classes, phone consultations and new services in collaboration with charity groups and the council in relation to the COVID-19 lockdown.

“The Mosque aims to continue its amenities in serving the public, during what is usually the busiest month of the Islamic calendar; Ramadan. Most of the spiritual and pastoral services will continue to be provided online. However, we urge everyone to stay at home during the Suhoor (morning meal) Iftaar (breaking of the fast) and prayer times, especially in the evenings. Take this opportunity to spend this valuable time on these blessed days with your loved ones at home.”

Councillor Clare Penny-Evans, Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Communities said “I’d like to thank Newcastle Central Mosque and the Muslim community for their support in these difficult times. They have stepped up again with their volunteer efforts by distributing emergency care packages to people who are really struggling and providing hot meals to key workers.

“We know Ramadan is going to be a very different experience this year, the traditions of family get-togethers and breaking fast, praying at the mosque, giving charity will be missed. However, it’s great to see how digital technology is being used by mosques and families to stay connected, and help people stay at home to save lives.

“Ramadan Mubarak, we wish our Muslim community a happy, peaceful, safe and blessed Ramadan.”

We know Ramadan is going to be a very different experience this year, the traditions of family get-togethers and breaking fast, praying at the mosque, giving charity will be missed.

Cllr Clare Penny-Evans

Cabinet Member Climate Change and Communities