28 October 2021
| | 3 min readJohn Dobson Street final enforcement reminder
Newcastle City Council has issued a final reminder to drivers that bus lane enforcement on John Dobson Street will resume in four days' time on Monday 1 November.

Penalty charge notices will be issued to anyone who drives through the northbound bus lane in breach of restrictions from 1 November.
The council has installed additional signage on approaching routes, over and above legal requirements, to make sure that drivers are aware of the restriction.
The enforcement action is part of the council’s commitment to improve public transport reliability and support recovery from the pandemic by ensuring that that traffic moves well, and public transport services can operate efficiently as more people return to workplaces.
Cllr Ged Bell, cabinet member for development, transport and neighbourhoods at Newcastle City Council, said: “We’ve given fair and ample warning that enforcement action will recommence on 1 November on this key route for buses.
“Buses held up in the city centre has a real impact on our neighbourhoods, causing delays to timetables, and frustration for our residents.
“It is really important that our public transport system operates well to encourage more people on to public transport and out of their cars as this will help reduce carbon emissions and improve our air quality, making the city a healthier and more pleasant place for everyone.”
Enforcement of the northbound bus lane on John Dobson Street, heading towards the Civic Centre, was suspended in 2017 while the council awaited a report from the Chief Adjudicator.
Following the publication of the Chief Adjudicator’s findings last summer the city council has reviewed and updated the signage so that it will be over and above national legal requirements.
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