Helen Ames
By Helen Ames

Senior Staff Writer

28 November 2023

| | 2 min read

Council supports plans for a Smokefree Generation

Newcastle City Council is supporting proposals which aim to protect future generations from the harms of smoking and reduce the death and disease that comes from the habit. 

Smokefree Future Campaign
Smokefree Future Campaign

Smoking remains the single biggest cause of preventable illness and death in the country, fuelling health inequalities and killing 2 in 3 smokers early. 

Councillor Karen Kilgour, Cabinet Member for a Healthy, Caring City and Deputy Leader, Newcastle City Council said: “We are committed to supporting our residents to enjoy longer, healthier lives and welcome all efforts to reduce smoking. 

“Most smokers start as children and end up hooked on a lifelong addiction. We are proud to support this consultation which gives us the opportunity to create a smoke free future where young people can grow up without the addiction, the cost and the diseases caused by tobacco.”

Tobacco is the biggest cause of cancer, ill health and early death and fuels health inequalities. Tobacco also costs the North East nearly £1 billion a year in medical, health and social care, lost earnings and smoking-related unemployment. 78% of North East adults support reducing smoking down to 5% or less.

Stopping smoking is the one single thing that people can do to dramatically increase their chances of living a longer life. For local help and support to quit smoking visit: Stop Smoking | Newcastle City Council