Multiverse Arcade
26 September 2019
| | 3 min readMultiverse Arcade
An arcade machine plays video messages from 2066 on to your palms. Join this playful, empowering mission to save the future.

Place your hands into the arcade machine. A video message from 2066 plays on to your palms: “Sorry. We ruined the world.” Can you save the future? Uncover secret messages on an interactive mission that leads to the Multiverse Arcade – a headquarters of ideas within The Cowgate Centre. Explore a space full of young people’s thoughts on how to change the world.
“What will you do when you’re in charge?” you are asked. Add your voice – the future is in your hands. This playful, empowering and thought-provoking event is created by Unfolding Theatre, New Writing North’s Young Writers’ City at Excelsior Academy and Queen’s Hall Youth Theatre.
Come along to Cowgate Centre 23 to 29 October 2019 and have a go! See the flyer for more information.
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