7 December 2023
| | 2 min readSign up to Landlord Accreditation Scheme
Private landlords are eligible for a range of benefits if they sign up to a scheme designed to maintain high housing standards in Newcastle.

Newcastle City Council’s Landlord Accreditation Scheme recognises and rewards reputable landlords who offer good quality housing in the private rented sector.
The initiative is free to join and aims to ensure rental properties are safe, secure and great places for people to live.
Accredited landlords receive a range of benefits, including:
- Recognition that you are a professional and reputable landlord providing good accommodation.
- Your property will be more attractive to prospective tenants.
- Free support and advice on managing your property.
- Up-to-date information on new legislation and compliance requirements.
- Access to an online library of documents such as tenancy agreements and notices.
- Free training, workshops, and educational materials on topics such as landlord responsibilities, tenancy management and legal requirements.
- You will be listed on the Council’s accreditation website.
- A dedicated telephone line for enquiries of landlords with accredited properties.
Cllr Irim Ali, Cabinet member for a Dynamic City at Newcastle City Council, said: “There are lots of fantastic privately rented properties available in the city which meet the diverse needs of residents.
“We firmly believe everyone in Newcastle deserves to live in a safe and secure place that they are proud to call their home.
“We are very fortunate to have so many reputable landlords who deliver a high level of service and offer great value for money to tenants occupying their properties.
“Through the Landlord Accreditation Scheme, we are committed to working with landlords and residents to ensure we maintain high housing standards in the city.”
Geoff Moat, Director of Delaval Properties Ltd, said: “The scheme is very important for landlords because it helps us to demonstrate the high quality of our properties and our commitment to providing safe, well managed accommodation for tenants.
“By working with the council, we also receive lots of support and advice so it is definitely something I’d recommend other landlords joining.”
In order to become accredited, landlords are required to meet specific criteria and standards set by the Council, which include:
- Ensure properties meet all legal and safety standards.
- Tenancies should be managed fairly and responsibly and tenants’ rights and privacy should be respected.
- Ensure properties are in a good condition and repair and maintenance issues are addressed promptly.
- Landlords must maintain and enhance their knowledge and understanding of their responsibilities.
Landlords interested in joining the scheme can visit www.newcastle.gov.uk/services/housing/private-housing-general-information/landlord-accreditation-scheme.
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