SMART Academy Trust Admissions Consultation

25 November 2022

| | 2 min read


SMART Academy Trust Admissions Consultation

SMART Multi Academy Trust is committed to the Department for Education's School Admissions Code. As part of the Code, we consult on admissions arrangements whenever there is a change and at least once every seven years even if there is no change. This consultation represents the latter. The Pupil Admission Number for Reception pupils starting at Kingston Park Primary in the 2024-2025 academic year will be rising from 60 to 90: this is part of the planning to provide public services and amenities for the housing development north of Kingston Park.

We would love to hear your views on our proposed Admissions Policy 2024-2025.  Details can be found on our website.

Once you have read it, please contact us with any comments by emailing

The consultation will run from 22 November to 20 January, at which point we will review the policy in the light of the consultation.