22 January 2024
| | 2 min readProposed changes to parking charges
Proposals for changes to car parking charges in Newcastle have been set out as part of an annual review.

Newcastle City Council is planning to make changes to most hourly and daily parking rates from April 2024 as it seeks to manage demand for parking and alleviate congestion, particularly around busier, city centre car parks.
The plans are also aimed at promoting more sustainable and active travel choices to help improve air quality and the wider environment.
The proposed changes include:
- A 10p increase in the hourly rate for car parks outside of the Clean Air Zone and a 20p increase for car parks within the CAZ and for all on-street bays.
- A £1 increase in the fixed daily rate in car parks, with the exception of Kingston Park and Manors, which will remain unchanged to encourage greater use in those locations.
- A 20p decrease in the hourly rate and the introduction of a new £9 daily rate at the Garage car park at the Helix to encourage greater use of this location.
- A 20p increase in the hourly rates at the Paddy Freeman and Castle Farm car parks to help manage particularly high demand at these locations.
Blue Badge holders will continue to receive an hour of free parking at council run car parks and, in line with national legislation, will also still be permitted to park free of charge in all on-street locations.
Cllr Marion Williams, cabinet member for a Connected, Clean City at Newcastle City Council, said: “We review our parking charges each year to ensure that we are effectively managing the demand for spaces and the flow of traffic, particularly around our busier city centre car parks.
“The changes we are planning to introduce from April 2024 will help us to strike a balance between encouraging the use of more active and sustainable travel, reducing congestion on key city centre public transport routes and ensuring the city continues to have sufficient, convenient and safe parking facilities for those who need them.”
Details of the changes to the parking charges will be published through the local press and site notices to inform people prior to the changes being introduced in April.
An additional review of parking permit schemes is also under way and details of any proposed changes will be confirmed once this has been completed.
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