19 December 2023
| | 1 min readResurfacing works on Collingwood Street junction in January
Resurfacing work following the completion of traffic signal upgrades at a key city centre junction is planned to take place in January.

Drivers are advised to expect overnight road closures from Monday 8 January 2024 for up to four nights, weather permitting, to enable the resurfacing to be carried out at the junction of Collingwood Street, Mosley Street, Groat Market and St Nicholas Street.
The closures, from 7pm until 7am, will affect the junction itself and approaching routes, including Collingwood Street, Mosley Street, St Nicholas’ Street, Bigg Market, Groat Market, Pudding Chare, Cloth Market and High Bridge (West).
Signed diversion routes will be in place and specific access arrangements for residents and hotel guests will also be provided.
Access for emergency services will be maintained at all times.
Cllr Marion Williams, cabinet member for a connected, clean city at Newcastle City Council, said: “This work is part of a wider programme to improve traffic signals at key junctions, which will enable better coordination and help to keep traffic flowing through the city centre.
“Now that the signal work at this junction on Collingwood Street is completed, the final step is the resurfacing work. This will require overnight road closures, with signed diversion routes in place, and we thank drivers in advance for their patience while the work is carried out.”
The work on the traffic signals has included the repair and replacement of traffic signal ducts – many of which had collapsed – underneath the road and pavements and the installation of upgraded traffic signal technology that will connect with the city’s wider traffic management systems.
This, together with the recent improvements at the Mosley Street junctions with Grey Street and Swan House, will help to keep traffic flowing more efficiently along this route.
Changes to the pedestrian crossing arrangements at the junction – including the removal of the central traffic island – have also been carried out to make the area safer for people crossing the road.
Funding for the traffic signal upgrades has been provided through the Government’s Transforming Cities Fund and work on further junctions in the city centre will be carried out next year.
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