Local Government Transparency Code - Fraud

Local Government Transparency Code - Fraud


We seek firstly to prevent fraud and corruption but will take all action necessary to identify fraud if suspected and to pursue the recovery of losses and the suitable punishment of those responsible.

Local authorities must publish information under the Local Government Transparency Code 2014 about their counter fraud work. 

1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024

AreaTotal or amount
Number of occasions powers under the Prevention of Social Housing Fraud (Power to Require Information) (England) Regulations 2014, or similar powers have been used2
Total number of employees undertaking investigations and prosecutions of fraud1
Total number of professionally accredited counter fraud specialists1
Total amount spent by the authority on the investigation and prosecution of fraud£60,000
Total number of fraud cases investigated67

1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023

AreaTotal or amount
Number of occasions powers under the Prevention of Social Housing Fraud (Power to Require Information) (England) Regulations 2014, or similar powers have been used3
Total number of employees undertaking investigations and prosecutions of fraud1
Total number of professionally accredited counter fraud specialists1
Total amount spent by the authority on the investigation and prosecution of fraud£53,181
Total number of fraud cases investigated47

1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022

AreaTotal or amount
Number of occasions powers under the Prevention of Social Housing Fraud (Power to Require Information) (England) Regulations 2014, or similar powers have been used0
Total number of employees undertaking investigations and prosecutions of fraud1
Total number of professionally accredited counter fraud specialists1
Total amount spent by the authority on the investigation and prosecution of fraud£49,000
Total number of fraud cases investigated5

1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021

AreaTotal or amount
Number of occasions powers under the Prevention of Social Housing Fraud (Power to Require Information) (England) Regulations 2014, or similar powers have been used0
Total number of employees undertaking investigations and prosecutions of fraud1
Total number of professionally accredited counter fraud specialists1
Total amount spent by the authority on the investigation and prosecution of fraud£43,000
Total number of fraud cases investigated5

1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020

AreaTotal or amount
Number of occasions powers under the Prevention of Social Housing Fraud (Power to Require Information) (England) Regulations 2014, or similar powers have been used3
Total number of employees undertaking investigations and prosecutions of fraud1
Total number of professionally accredited counter fraud specialists1
Total amount spent by the authority on the investigation and prosecution of fraud£42,000
Total number of fraud cases investigated28

1 April 2018 to 31 March 2019

AreaTotal or amount
Number of occasions powers under the Prevention of Social Housing Fraud (Power to Require Information) (England) Regulations 2014, or similar powers have been used7
Total number of employees undertaking investigations and prosecutions of fraud1
Total number of professionally accredited counter fraud specialists1
Total amount spent by the authority on the investigation and prosecution of fraud£17,473
Total number of fraud cases investigated16


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