Notice of Motions

Notice of Motions

DateTitle of MotionProposed by
7 September 2016Adult Social Care fundingCllr Kilgour
 Community PharmaciesCllr Taylor
 Count Them InCllr Kilgour
 Local PharmaciesCllr Streather
 Tourist InformationCllr Faulkner
 Year of Exercise
Cllr Faulkner
2 November 2016Being a Dementia Friendly CouncilCllr Allibhai
 Female Genital MutilationCllr Huddart
 Grammar Schools
Cllr Cook
11 January 2017Air Passenger DutyCllr McCarty
 Safe Driving
Cllr Streather
1 February 2017DevolutionCllr Ashby
 Health and Social CareCllr Taylor
 Modern Day Slavery Act 2015
Cllr Huddard
5 April 2017Air QualityCllr Higgins
 Sport Newcastle 50th AnniversaryCllr Faulkner
 UK City of Culture 2021Cllr Faulkner
 Unaccompanied Asylum seeking children
Cllr Holland
28 June 2017MND CharterCllr Kilgour
 NUFCCllr Higgins
 Fire Safety
Cllr Forbes
6 September 2017Exhibition Conference CentreCllr Faulkner
 Job Centre closureCllr McCarty
 NJC payCllr Forbes
 Police Station closuresCllr Kemp
 Transport investment
Cllr Huddard
1 November 2017EducationCllr Casey
 Universal Credit
Cllr Stone
10 January 2018Adult Social CareCllr Kilgour
 HealthCllr Streather
 Lowering the voting ageCllr Faulkner
 Mental Health
Cllr Bowman
7 February 2018Environment a priorityCllr Kemp
 Withdrawal of Freedom of the City from Aung San Suu Kyi
Cllr Forbes
7 March 2018Housing
Cllr Streather
4 April 2018Modern Day SlaveryCllr Kemp
 Changes to the decision making processCllr Faulkner
 System of Governance
Cllr Faulkner
27 June 2018NHS 70th AnniversaryCllr Kilgour
 Discovery SchoolCllr Casey
 Srebrenica GenocideCllr Shatwell
 The impact on the North East of leaving EUCllr Taylor
 Local Government Boundary Commission for EnglandCllr Stone
 To adopt the international Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of anti-semitismCllr Cott
 Impact of the EU Eco Design Working Plan 2016 – 2019 on Theatres
Cllr J P Stephenson
5 September 2018Great Jobs AgendaCllr McCarty
 End Period Poverty (deferred)Cllr Penny-Evans
 Anti-SemitismCllr Cott
 Ward Boundaries
Cllr Stone
7 November 2018Breaking Point CampaignCllr Greenhough
 HousingCllr Huddart
 World Mental Health Day 2018
Cllr Mendelson
9 January 2019Lift the Ban Asylum SeekersCllr Forbes
 Prevent men with child through rape applying for accessCllr Kilgour
 Parental LeaveCllr McGuinness
 United NationsCllr Schofield
 Transport Policies
Cllr Stone
6 February 2019United Nation – Human Rights, Humanitarian LawCllr Schofield
 Statutory Fully Funded Youth ServicesCllr Casey
 Community Wealth Building
Cllr Cott
6 March 2019People’s VoteCllr Gallagher
 Increased Funding for Public Health
Cllr McGuinness
3 April 2019Climate EmergencyCllr Taylor
 Social Rights
Cllr McCarty
26 June 2019Adoption of Definition of IslamophobiaCllr Shatwell
 Police and Crime CommissionerCllr A Lower
 Power up the North
Cllr Stone
4 September 2019Greater Focus on CyclingCllr Folker
 Sustainable Development GoalsCllr Kane
 100 Years of Council HousingCllr Hobson
 Cuts to School Budgets
Cllr Dunn
2 October 2019EU Citizens and Settled StatusCllr Stone
 World Mental Health Day 2019
Cllr Mendelson
6 November 2019Zero Waste CityCllr Kane
 TransplantsCllr King
 Metro futures rolling stock replacement - £362M
Cllr Donnelly
8 January 2020AusterityCllr Forbes
 HMD 2020Cllr McCarty
 Metro Industrial DisputeCllr Stone
 School No Idling ZonesCllr Taylor
 Tree StrategyCllr Huddart
 White Ribbon Campaign
Cllr Forbes
5 February 2020School No Idling ZonesCllr Taylor
 AusterityCllr Forbes
 Newcastle Health CityCllr J P Stephenson
 Heart Union WeekCllr Hobson
 Year of the nurse and midwife
Cllr Huddart
4 March 2020Fossil FuelsCllr Kane
 Statutory Relationships and Sex Education
Cllr J P Stephenson
24 June 2020Black Lives MatterCllr Stone
 Holiday HungerCllr Cott
 Mental HealthCllr Taylor
 Apprenticeships and Skills TrainingCllr Cott
 Hong Kong Refugees
Cllr King
2 September 2020Black Lives MatterCllr Penny-Evans
 Mental HealthCllr Taylor
 COVID funding crisisCllr Forbes
 SchoolsCllr Morrissey
 Extend support for private renters during COVID19Cllr Hobson
 Hong Kong Refugees
Cllr King
7 October 2020Apprenticeships and SkillsCllr Cott
 Furlough extensionCllr King
 Lift the BanCllr Kilgour
 Protecting the Hospitality sector in the city
Cllr Kemp
4 November 2020Free school mealsCllr Cott
 Free school meals and Holiday HungerCllr Forbes
 More treesCllr Huddart
 Universal basic incomeCllr King
 Protect Leisure ServicesCllr Barnes
 SmokefreeCllr Ali
 Covid 19Cllr Taylor
 Exam DebacleCllr Holland
 West Denton Pool
Cllr Donaldson
6 January 2021Real Estate Investment TrustsCllr Hobson
 Vaccine ContractCllr King
 West Denton Pool
Cllr Donaldson
3 February 2021CarersCllr Huddart
 Staying bee friendlyCllr Huddart
 Responsible use of fireworks
Cllr Kane
3 March 2021Right to foodCllr Schofield
30 June 2021Anti-Social BehaviourCllr Holland
 Refugee WeekCllr Kemp
 Education RecoveryCllr Holland
 Climate and Ecological Emergency BillCllr Penny-Evans
 Lets make street harassment a crimeCllr Taylor
 Blackett Street delay to public consultationCllr L Hunter
1 Sept 2021Environmental Standards Across the CityCllr Donnelly
 Failing the Afghan PeopleCllr Ashby
 Protecting the public's say in the planning processCllr Ashby
 Valuing ChildrenCllr Morrissey
 Homelessness and Immigration RulesCllr Hobson
 Rats Across the CityCllr Smith
 Seeking an end to "Fire and Rehire" tactics by employersCllr McCarty
6 Oct 2021Rats Across the City (deferred from 1 Sept 2021)Cllr Smith
 Universal CreditCllr Holland
 Hate Crime AwarenessCllr Penny-Evans
 Short Term LetsCllr Huddart
 Use of eCargo BikesCllr Kane
 Valuing Children (deferred from 1 Sept 2021)Cllr Morrissey
 Health and Social Care LevyCllr Kilgour
 School Crossing PatrolsCllr Donnelly
 Unlocking the Potential of Local High StreetsCllr Powers
3 Nov 2021Rats Across the City (deferred from 6 Oct 2021)Cllr Smith
 Short Term Lets (deferred from 6 Oct 2021)Cllr Huddart
 Valuing Children (deferred from 6 Oct 2021)Cllr Morrissey
 Health & Safety Care Levy (deferred from 6 Oct 2021)Cllr Kilgour
 Elections BillCllr Ion
 Prevent CancerCllr Ali
 Children and Young People Mental Health SupportCllr Kemp
 Fuel Poverty Awareness DayCllr Hobson
 Carers Rights DayCllr Shatwell
 Investment in Roads and PavementsCllr Taylor
 Improve Democracy by Ensuring that Council Business is Fully Covered, Debated and DiscussedCllr Donnelly
12 Jan 2022Elections Bill (deferred from 3 Nov 2021)Cllr Ion
 Investment in Roads and Pavements (deferred from 3 Nov 2021)Cllr Taylor
 Improve Democracy by Ensuring that Council Business is Fully Covered, Debated and Discussed (deferred from 3 Nov 2021)Cllr Donnelly
 Fair TaxCllr McCarty
 Safety in Night-time EconomyCllr Penny-Evans
 Promoting Active Travel All Year RoundCllr Kane
 Make Football a 'Fair Game'Cllr Campion
 Remote Council MeetingsCllr Cott
2 Feb 2022Cost of Living PressuresCllr Huddart
 Save our RiversCllr Campion
 Call on the Prime Minister to ResignCllr Cott
 Online Gambling HarmsCllr Pretswell
2 Mar 2022Save our Rivers (deferred from 2 Feb 2022)Cllr Campion
 Armed Forces ActCllr Kilgour
 UkraineCllr Ashby
6 July 2022Safe night-time travel for workersCllr Kemp
 Biodiversity at the heart of the CityCllr Kane
 Postponement of CAZ (Clean Air Zone)Cllr Campion
 MotorbikesCllr Smith
 Cost of Living CrisisCllr Cott
 Cost of Living EmergencyCllr Mitchell
 Protect and enhance the biodiversity of Newcastle upon TyneCllr Byrne
7 Sept 2022Child PovertyCllr Copley
 Electric Vehicle Charging InfrastructureCllr Stone
 Poverty proofing the school dayCllr Morrissey
 Tackling Unsolved CrimesCllr Ferguson
 #HelpOurHouseholdsCllr Frew
5 Oct 2022Emergency Motion - Government Mini BudgetCllr Cott
 Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure (deferred from 7 Sept 2022)Cllr Stone
 Tackling Unsolved Crimes (deferred from 7 Sept 2022)Cllr Ferguson
 Anti-racismCllr Ali
 Defending the right to seek safety from war and persecutionCllr Kilgour
 Rugby League Magic WeekendCllr Higgins
2 Nov 2022Living Wage WeekCllr Frew
 FrackingCllr Higgins
 Sexual harassmentCllr Storey
 Detwinning with ChinaCllr Taylor
 Gosforth High Street's FutureCllr Woodwark
 TWFRS fundingCllr Kilgour
11 Jan 2023WASPI CampaignCllr Williams
 Warm HomesCllr Taylor
 Proposed Devolution DealCllr Stone
1 Feb 2023Voter ID in Local ElectionsCllr Taylor
 Supporting our Trade UnionsCllr Kilgour
 Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner's Budget ProposalsCllr Ferguson
 Newcastle's Role in the Regional Economic StrategyCllr Stone
 Attacks on Emergency WorkersCllr Greenhough
 LGBTQ+ History MonthCllr Hay
1 Mar 2023Newcastle's Role in the Regional Economic Strategy (deferred from 1 February 2023)Cllr Stone
 Young Carers Action Day 2023Clr Kilgour
 International Women's DayCllr Huddart
 Earthquake - Turkey and SyriaCllr Huddart
 Defending the Right to Seek Safety from War and PersecutionCllr Storey
 The One Core StrategyCllr Donnelly
14 June 2023Newcastle's Role in the Regional Economic Strategy (deferred from 1 Feb and 1 Mar 2023)Cllr Stone
 Clean Air Zone Extension to Private CarsCllr Smith
 Risky Government proposals for asylum dispersalCllr Ali
 Support PrideCllr Storey
 North East DevolutionCllr Marc Donnelly
 Newcastle UnitedCllr Higgins
12 July 2023Emergency Motion - save our railway ticket officesCllr Gray
 Newcastle United (deferred from 14 June 2023)Cllr Higgins
 Housing Crisis in Newcastle Cllr Ali
 MEA HouseCllr PJ Morrissey
 Protecting our children from vaping productsCllr Taylor
 Grass CuttingCllr Kane
 Roma Holocaust Memorial DayCllr Ion
 NHS 75th AnniversaryCllr Kilgour
 Newcastle's Tree PolicyCllr Kane
6 September 2023Tree PolicyCllr Smith
 Suicide AwarenessCllr Kilgour
 Community Pharmacy ClosuresCllr Avaei
 Warding Arrangements for NewcastleCllr Marc Donnelly
 Unsolved BurglariesCllr Ferguson
 Dentistry is in DecayCllr Morrissey
 Cash Parking MachinesCllr T Mitchell
4 October 2023Tree Policy (deferred from 6 Sept 2023)Cllr Smith
 Warding Arrangements for Newcastle (deffered from 6 Sept 2023)Cllr Marc Donnelly
 Dentistry in Decay (deferred from 6 Sept 2023)Cllr Morrissey
 Cash Parking Machines (deferred from 6 Sept 2023)Cllr T Mitchell
 Reaffirming our Commitment to Net ZoneCllr Kane
 UNISON's Anti-Racism CharterCllr Kilgour
1 November 2023Ward Arrangements for Newcastle (deferred from 6 Sept 2023)Cllr Marc Donnelly
 Dentistry is in Decay (deferred from 6 Sept 2023)Cll C Morrissey
 Pancreatic Cancer Awareness MonthCllr T Mitchell
 Reduce Refugee 'Move-on' PeriodCllr Ali
 Living Wage Week 2023Cllr Frew
 Pavement ParkingCllr Williams
 Reducing Carbon Footprint for National and Local Charities and Voluntary Organisations Cllr Huddart
6 December 2023Warding Arrangements for Newcastle (deferred from 6 Sept 2023)Cllr Marc Donnelly
 Dentistry is in Decay (deferred from 6 Sept 2023)Cllr C Morrissey
 Reducing Carbon Footprint for National and Local Charities and Voluntary Organisations (deferred from 1 Nov 2023)Cllr Huddart
 One Million Women and Girls - a framework for women's equality in NEMCACllr Kilgour
 White RibbonCllr Maines
 PSI/BSF SchoolsCllr C Morrissey
24 January 2024Reducing Carbon Footprint for National and Local charities and Voluntary Organisations (deferred from 1 Nov 2023 and 6 Dec 2023)Cllr Huddart
 One Million Women and Girls - a framework for women's equality in NEMCA (deferred from 6 Dec 2023)Cllr Kilgour
 PFI/BSF Schools (deferred from 6 Dec 2023)Cllr C Morrissey
 2025 Copper Switch OffCllr Stone
 Closure of PharmaciesCllr Huddart
6 March 2024Support of Jo Cox Foundation and Committee on Standards in Public Life Statement on Conduct of Political Party MembersCllr Kemp
 Recycling in NewcastleCllr Kane
 Holding Developers to AccountCllr Walker
 Scrapping the two child benefit capCllr C Morrissey
12 June 2024Recycling in Newcastle (deferred from 6 March 2024)Cllr Kane
 Scrapping the two child benefit cap (deferred from 6 March 2024)Cllr C Morrissey
 UNISON's Year of LGBT+ workersCllr Kilgour
 Urban Green NewcastleCllr Ferguson
 The Care Act 10 Years OnCllr Taylor
10 July 2024Pavement Defects and Maintenance Cllr Stone
4 Sept 202430th Anniversary of the Fairtrade MarkCllr Barry-Stanners
 Pollution in the OuseburnCllr Coles
 Valuing our Senior CitizensCllr Huddart
 Withdrawal of Winter Fuel AllowanceCllr Hay
 Right to GardenCllr Kane
 Newcastle Rejects Violence and HatredCllr Kemp
2 Oct 2024Valuing our Senior Citizens (deferred from 4 September 2024)Cllr Huddart
 Withdrawal of Winter Fuel Allowance (deferred from 4 September 2024)Cllr Hay
 Right to Garden (deferred from 4 September 2024)Cllr Kane
 Care Leaver Status as a Protected CharacteristicCllr Storey
 NECA and the North East's Economic StrategyCllr Stone
 Local Government Finance SettlementCllr Ferguson
 Compassion in PoliticsCllr Hartley
 Independent InquiryCllr Ferguson
6 Nov 2024NECA and the North East's Economic Strategy (deferred from 2 October 2024)Cllr Stone
 Compassion in Politics (deferred from 2 October 2024)Cllr Hartley
 Independent Inquiry (deferred from 2 October 2024)Cllr Ferguson
 Violence against women and girlsCllr Storey
 SEND Funding CrisisCllr Ferguson
4 Dec 2024Independent Inquiry (deferred from 2 Oct and 6 Nov 2024)Cllr Ferguson
 SEND Funding Crisis (deferred from 6 November 2024)Cllr Ferguson
 Supporting carers in NewcastleCllr Walker
 Council Leadership - Article SevenCllr C Morrissey
 Shortage of Construction SkillsCllr Huddart
 Urban Green NewcastleCllr PJ Morrissey
 Securing the legacy of the year of disabled workersCllr Powers
 DemocracyCllr Marc Donnelly
22 Jan 2025SEND Funding Crisis (deferred from 6 November 2024 and 4 December 2024)Cllr Ferguson
 Urban Green Newcastle (deferred from 4 December 2024)Cllr PJ Morrissey
 Democracy (deferred from 4 December 2024)Cllr Marc Donnelly
 Fully Funded Youth ServiceCllr Austin
 Sort Social Care NowCllr Taylor
 Support WASPI WomenCllr Maines
5 March 2025SEND Funding Crisis (deferred from 6 November, 4 December 2024 and 22 January 2025)Cllr Ferguson
 Democracy (deferred from 4 December 2024 and 22 January 2025)Cllr Marc Donnelly
 Fully Funded Youth Service (deferred from January 2025)Cllr Austin
 Sort Social Care Now (deferred from January 2025)Cllr Taylor
 Councillors AllowancesCllr Marc Donnelly
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