Operation Oak

Operation Oak

If you've been a victim of crime you should report this to the police on 101, or 999 if it's an emergency.

Operation Oak is a police-led initiative funded by Northumbria and Newcastle Universities. It is a dedicated resource which carries out high-visibility patrols in residential areas that are heavily populated by students, such as Jesmond, Heaton, Sandyford, Shieldfield and Ouseburn. Newcastle City Council's Public Protection and Neighbourhoods Team work in partnership with Operation Oak

The operation is aimed at tackling student-related antisocial behaviour and/or disorder along with addressing any vulnerabilities or safeguarding concerns and offering crime prevention advice.
Operation Oak currently operates on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday nights from 22.00 – 04.00 hours. 

How to report an incident

In the case of an Emergency you should always call 999.
If you feel there is a serious problem, please contact Northumbria Police by calling 101 or using the Northumbria Police online reporting tool. Any incidents which are reported via 101 will be directed to Operation Oak officers on nights when the patrol is in operation.

What happens next

Police officers will provide a report to Newcastle City Council of any unreasonable noise or ASB they witness. These reports will be assessed by experienced City Council Officers who will determine if any further action is required. If further action is determined the student tenants may receive the following:

  • Written warning
  • Community Protection Warning 
  • Community Protection Notice 

This information is shared with the Police who inform the relevant University of the action taken against the tenants. The University will then undertake investigations on the basis of their own internal policies and procedures. 

When we have written to the tenants' we will also write to the License Holder for the property. We will make them aware of the witnessed incident and ask them to provide details of how they will manage their tenants behaviour. We also request a copy of their ASB policy. 

It is a breach of Licensing Conditions for a License holder to not demonstrate how they are managing ASB.

Did you know?

Contact details

Operation Oak - Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday Term Time 22:00 - 04:00 - Call 101

To log a noise or ASB complaint with Newcastle City Council:

0191 2787878 or

Use our online reporting form using the link below
Noise nuisance | Newcastle City Council

Need more information?

Please Contact


Please include 'Operation Oak' in the email subject

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