ClimateView: Our 'road map' to Net Zero

ClimateView: Our 'road map' to Net Zero

What is ClimateView?

ClimateView is an industry leading software that models a path to city-wide Net Zero status for the city.

Many of the city partners are also setting out bold Net Zero and sustainability commitments and are mapping their routes to achieve this widespread decarbonisation agenda.

By setting out the actions in a clear and transparent way through our Action Plan, we aim to focus the city residents, businesses and public sector organisations on a sequence of key actions that will allow us to achieve Net Zero 2030 and enable these actions to be reflected in city and organisational plans.

The model has three sections:

Section 1: Emissions profile of the city showing which sectors we generate emissions from.

Section 2: Transition targets that show the key ‘emission reduction’ activities that we would need to achieve in order to take our city-wide emissions to Net Zero.

Section 3: Key actions that the city (residents, businesses and organisations) propose to take to achieve the transition targets and ultimately Net Zero status.


Access our ClimateView "road map" to Net Zero here.


Transition targets

A Transition Target model formally defines the transition from the starting state (today’s high-carbon status quo) to the desired, lower-carbon, state over a defined time period.

Transition Targets should have the following qualities:

  • Be measurable and time bound.
  • Have a direct impact on emissions arising from the city.
  • Be inspirational to activate and engage all actors, and help us stretch what we think is possible.
  • Be clear and easy to communicate so that actors can act independently on them.

ClimateView has identified 79 human activities that generate emissions across all sectors and have developed mathematical models to allow a carbon abatement profile for each Transition Target to be defined over time.

Some of the Transition Targets are not relevant to Newcastle but many are, and they are shown in Section 2 of the model.

Our city-wide actions

The actions on the ClimateView model vary in nature and size of impact.

Some of the Net Zero actions have already happened, others are in progress, and others are planned.

When you click on the action, you can see the status and when it was (or is) targeted for implementation.

By no means are the actions set out in the model the end of the process.

This platform will develop and get added to over time, and it’s very important that this evolution does happen so that we are adapting and enhancing our 'Net Zero Newcastle: 2030 Action Plan' for real world events.

Our key Net Zero actions are set out in Parts Two, Three and Four of the Action Plan.

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