Newcastle's Net Zero vision

Newcastle's Net Zero vision

Our Climate Emergency declaration has set us on a path to carbon neutrality with our Net Zero vision to see Newcastle not be a net contributor to climate change by 2030.

Our primary focus is on Carbon Dioxide (CO2) but our city-wide approach also tackles emissions from other important greenhouse gases.

CO2 is the main greenhouse gas emitted by humans, largely due to the use of fossil fuels to power our economy, heat our properties and for transport.

Once CO2 is emitted, the land surface and the ocean take some of the carbon out of the atmosphere, but a significant proportion remains for centuries to millenia.

Each additional tonne of CO2 emitted adds more long-lasting CO2 to the atmosphere and creates more warming, meaning that global temperature increases in proportion to the cumulative total emissions of CO2. 

Emissions of CO2 must therefore be brought to Net Zero to stop temperatures increasing.

"Our ambition is for a green city of the future, which values all residents, provides quality sustainable housing, a low carbon economy which addresses poverty and looks to ensure all people feel invested and included by challenging social inequality."

Councillor Joyce McCarty
Deputy Lead of the Council and Cabinet Member for Resources

The Benefits of Net Zero

There are many benefits for Newcastle city residents and businesses by delivering Net Zero, phasing out harmful greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to the most damaging effects of climate change.

Many of these benefits and cross-cutting priorities are reflected in our key policies and plans across the city.

Net Zero will deliver for:

The local economy

  • New green industries staffed by a local workforce who have the right skills
  • Fuel and resource security - Less money spent on global fossil fuels resulting in more money for our local economy
  • Job creation in expanding sectors
  • Inclusive economic growth
  • Preventing extreme climate events will avoid expensive repair costs


  • Less congestion with quieter streets and cleaner air
  • Smarter cities and more comfortable homes with improved energy efficiency
  • Healthier lifestyles, with more active travel and healthier diets

Local environment

  • Improved biodiversity and cleaner water
  • More green space


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