Net Zero: Emissions we aim to reduce

Net Zero: Emissions we aim to reduce

Our Net Zero target relates to Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions, in accordance with the GPC emissions inventories and frameworks developed on the basis of the Paris Agreement.

Newcastle City Council also recognises the critical importance of adopting a consumption-based approach in order to address Scope 3 emissions on an equitable basis, and to address GHGs other than CO2.

We do however recognise that it is important that we focus our immediate efforts on addressing the Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions because we can have a much more direct impact on reducing these emissions.

We intend to explore further the emerging options for delivering a consumption based approach as it does not help the climate if we simply move production to another country.

In the meantime, we will evaluate options to eliminate Scope 3 emissions and non-CO2 based GHGs directly, through partnership working, and by lobbying for change at national and international forums.

Scope of Emissions

The Global Protocol for Community-Scale GHG Emission Inventories (GPC) divides emissions into three categories or ‘scopes’ at a city level:

  • Scope 1 - Direct emissions
    Emissions from sources located within the Newcastle local authority boundary – for example petrol, diesel, natural gas, etc.
    Scope 2 - Energy indirect emissions
  • Emissions occurring as a consequence of the use of grid supplied electricity, heat, steam and / or cooling within Newcastle’s local authority boundary.
  • Scope 3 – Other indirect emissions
    All other emissions that occur outside Newcastle’s local authority boundary as a result of activities taking place within the city boundary – for example consumer activities and travel outside city boundaries and outside the control of the city.

Production and consumption emissions

Cities also give rise to the production of significant quantities of GHG emissions outside their boundaries (Scope 3).

There are two different approaches for accounting for carbon emissions:

  • Approach 1 – Production based emissions
    This takes into account carbon emissions from burning of fossil fuels required to produce goods and deliver services within Newcastle.
    Generally this is determined using sector based approach, for example emissions from transport, domestic properties, or commercial and industrial facilities.
  • Approach 2 – Consumption based emissions
    This relates to imports and exports of goods and services to Newcastle that, either directly or indirectly, involve carbon emissions.
    This includes things like food, clothing, electronic equipment, etc by Newcastle city residents.
    A city consumption-based GHG inventory can be defined as the emissions arising within a city’s boundary, minus those emissions associated with the production of goods and services exported to meet demand outside the city, plus emissions arising in supply chains for goods and services produced outside the city but imported for consumption by its residents:


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