Newcastle's Climate Change Convention
Newcastle's Climate Change Convention
The Climate Change Convention is a framework to deliver our Net Zero 2030 commitment.
We have been working across the city to establish a partnership that draws in other public sector organisations, businesses, residents and stakeholders to set out a collective understanding of our emission profiles, the scale of the decarbonisation challenge and an action-based path to a Net Zero future.
The convention has three key elements - A Climate Change Committee, the Net Zero Taskforce, and a Citizen's Assembly.
Climate Change Committee
This committee has been established to engage both members and the public with climate change and Net Zero issues.
The committee takes evidence from expert witnesses, environmental groups, residents and stakeholders from across the city on their views and provides advice to Cabinet and the City Council.
The committee complements the more technical work of the Net Zero Taskforce and allows members to hold officers and partners to account.
Net Zero Taskforce
The taskforce brings together between key players in the city, including our universities and college, hospital trust, airport, housing, transport, business, voluntary sector and utilities representatives.
The taskforce is responsible for commissioning work to establish a citywide path to Net Zero 2030 and assessing the implications and expectations of all partners.
Citizen's Assembly
This is a forum at North of Tyne Combined Authority level for representation by city residents (including young people) in identifying and guiding climate change priorities.
A Net Zero Champions approach will be considered through the Citizen's Assembly.
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