Sexual Harassment Online Reporting Form

Sexual Harassment Online Reporting Form

Newcastle City Council has a zero-acceptance approach to sexual harassment.  As part of our commitment to providing a positive and inclusive working environment, we encourage the reporting of sexual harassment.  We use the data collected by reporting to protect our workers by reducing sexual harassment and to inform our work on the prevention of sexual harassment.  

Use this form to report sexual harassment to us:

  • if you believe the alleged harasser is one of our workers, or
  • if you, the victim, are one of our workers and you have been sexually harassed in the course of your work, or
  • if you have witnessed something that makes you believe one of our workers has been sexually harassed.  

Workers are employees, consultants as well as freelance, temporary or agency contract workers.  

Reports submitted online are secure and confidential and are reviewed by senior HR professionals.  If the report leads to an investigation, details will also be shared with a specially trained officer appointed to investigate the report.  In some circumstances it will not be possible to maintain confidentiality, for example where there are concerns for the safety of the victim.  Data will be stored for confidential monitoring.

Definition Of Harassment

Sexual harassment is unlawful.  It is defined as unwanted conduct of a sexual nature which has the purpose or effect of violating someone’s dignity, or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment.  

If you are in any doubt about whether or not what you want to report amounts to sexual harassment – please submit a report in any event.

Guidance on who can submit a report

If you have been a victim of sexual harassment by one of our employees or workers we encourage you to submit a report.  You should also submit a report if you have witnessed what you believe to be sexual harassment of a worker of our organisation or by a worker of our organisation.  

You can report anonymously, however this may limit our ability to investigate matters.  Any information provided anonymously will help us to understand the prevalence of incidents. 

There is a telephone reporting service for people who are unable to complete an online form.  The number is 0191 2777550.

Submit a sexual harassment form


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