Public Art
Public Art
Public art can enhance every day public spaces and challenge us to think of the world around us. It can be many things, from sculpture and murals to temporary lighting pieces.
Public space is a part of everyday urban life. It's the streets we pass through, it's where children play and it's somewhere to sit and watch the world go by. Public art can enhance these spaces and challenge us to think of our unique identities: who we are and where we are.
Newcastle has a wealth of public art. It is here to welcome, to create a distinct place and to challenge us to consider our surroundings.
These pages give some background to Newcastle's public artworks. Click the links below to see the groups of works. An interactive map of public artworks is to follow here.
(list to be refined)
- Quayside
- Haymarket
- Identities
- Hidden Rivers
- Temporary works
- Decommissioned works
Urban Design team and Public Art
The Urban Design team promotes public art as part of their commitment to creating and sustaining quality places within Newcastle. They enable Public Art through the planning process and co-ordinate the maintenance of council owned artworks commissioned through the Grainger Town urban regeneration project.
Did you know?
Newcastle also benefits from high-quality art based in local communities across the city. A series of artists’ residencies run as part of the City Council’s Arts Development Programme.
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