Broadband coverage - Open Market Review

Broadband coverage - Open Market Review


The Government wants to have nationwide gigabit-capable broadband as soon as possible. While great progress is being made, the Government is aware it needs to help in the parts of the country that are not commercially viable. 

£5bn was committed in the 2020 budget to ensure that all areas of the UK can benefit equally. The funding will be spent through a range of projects known as Project Gigabit. As part of this, Building Digital UK (BDUK) will fund contracts for suppliers to deliver gigabit-capable wholesale infrastructure to the hardest to reach areas.

Public Review stage

An Open Market Review (OMR) took place in April 2021. This OMR requested information from suppliers on their existing and planned broadband coverage over the next three years.

Durham County Council and BDUK now want to validate the information gathered through a Public Review process. 

Stakeholders including the public, businesses, internet service providers and broadband infrastructure operators, are invited to provide feedback about the proposed eligible areas for government investment (intervention).

Suppliers who missed contributing to the preceding OMR, or had no definitive plans and/or evidence base on which to substantiate claims at that earlier stage, now have a final opportunity to notify Durham County Council and BDUK before the procurement stage.

Further information is available on the Durham County Council website at:

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