CCTV parking enforcement

CCTV parking enforcement

Local authorities have a duty to tackle dangerous parking and the Traffic Management Act 2004 allows councils to enforce parking contraventions by CCTV Camera for certain types of parking contravention.

The Secretary of State's Guidance to Local Authorities on The Civil Enforcement Of Parking Contraventions states that: 'The primary objective of any camera enforcement system is to ensure the safe and efficient operation of the road network by deterring motorists from breaking road traffic restrictions and detecting those that do.'

Newcastle City Council uses static CCTV cameras and a CCTV safety and enforcement vehicle to carry out parking enforcement for a limited number of contraventions. The static cameras and CCTV vehicle supports the existing foot patrols carried out by the Council's Civil Enforcement Officers to help improve road safety by ensuring parking restrictions are complied with. The CCTV vehicle is clearly marked to indicate its intended use.

The Traffic Management Act 2004 recommends that enforcement by a camera vehicle is used only in problem areas where enforcement is difficult or sensitive and 'on-foot' enforcement is not practical. For example on school 'keep clear' areas where motorists, on seeing an Officer approaching, drive off only to return and commit the same offence later.

In Newcastle, the CCTV safety and enforcement vehicle is currently only used to enforce those restrictions where the 'stopping' of a vehicle is not permitted.

These are:

  • school 'keep clear' zigzag markings
  • bus stop clearways
  • 24 hour clearways

Static CCTV are deployed at the following locations.

  • Hexham Road bus stop at Throckley Road Primary School
  • Benfield School -  school 'keep clear' zigzag markings
  • Knoplaw Primary School - school 'keep clear' zigzag markings
  • Jesmond Park Academy - school 'keep clear' zigzag markings
  • Our Lady & St Annes RC Primary School - school 'keep clear' zigzag markings
  • Westerhope Primary School - school 'keep clear' zigzag markings
  • Westgate Hill Primary School - school 'keep clear' zigzag markings
  • Archbiship Runcie CofE First School - school 'keep clear' zigzag markings

If a Penalty Charge Notice is issued, you will have the same rights of appeal as a Notice issued by a Civil Enforcement Officer (CEO). The document you will receive will include details of how to submit representations and will include photographs as evidence that your vehicle was parked in contravention of the parking restriction.


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