Staying safe
Staying safe
Who to talk to if you are a child or young person
If you have been hurt by anybody, or an adult or another young person has done something that makes you feel upset or scared, it is important that you tell somebody so that you can get the support and protection you need.
Everybody who works or volunteers with children and young people has a responsibility to protect them from harm. Tell an adult you trust (for example someone at your school, youth club, doctor’s surgery or any other place you attend). Tell them about what is happening and what you are worried about, and they should know how to get you the support and protection you need.
You can contact Children's Social Care on telephone 0191 277 2500 (Weekdays, 8:45am to 5pm), you don't need to give your name if you don't want to.
Or you can speak to someone at Childline on telephone 0800 1111 (calls are free and confidential), or through the Childline website.
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