Report abuse or neglect

Abuse and neglect is never ok. If you, or someone you know is being abused or neglected, it is important to tell someone.

Stopping abuse or neglect is everyone's responsibility and anybody can raise a concern.

Find out how to report a concern about a child or adult below.


In an emergency or if you are worried that someone is in danger call the Police on 999.


Children or young people

During office hours call us on 0191 277 2500, Monday to Friday, 8.45am to 5pm.

You can discuss your concerns with someone who works with children and families such as, your health worker, social worker, school nurse or teacher.  All schools have a teacher responsible for child protection.

Or complete our online referral form .

If you are a professional use  the professional online referral form.



During office hours call Community Health and Social Care Direct on 0191 278 8377, Monday to Friday,  8am to 5pm 

You can discuss your concerns with someone you trust such as a Social Worker, Police Officer, Nurse, Doctor, Carer, Support Worker or Housing Officer. They will pass your concerns on to Adult Social Care.

You can complete the online referral form


Out of office hours for children and adults

Outside of office hours and at weekends, telephone 0191 278 7878


What is abuse?

Abuse can take different forms:
Emotional Neglect
Physical Sexual
Discriminatory Exploitation
Self-Neglect Organisational
Domestic abuse Modern Slavery

Abuse or neglect can happen to anyone, anywhere and be perpetrated by anyone. 


What happens when abuse or neglect is reported?

The law says that Children's and Adult Social Care must find out if a child or an adult at risk need help to keep them safe. Social Care will listen to the child or adult, their family, and anyone else who is important to them to understand what help might be needed.  Social Care will work with other organisations who could help to keep the child or adult healthy and safe.  


More information about safeguarding in Newcastle

Please visit to find out more about safeguarding adults and children in Newcastle, including:

  • The work of the Newcastle Safeguarding Adults Board and Newcastle Safeguarding Children Partnership.
  • News and updates.
  • Policies, procedures and practice guidance.
  • Learning and Development opportunities. 

Need more information?

Visit our website about safeguarding adults and children in Newcastle -