Fixed penalty notices - how many are issued

Fixed penalty notices - how many are issued

Here you will find details of the numbers of fixed penalty notices we issue in each financial year for environmental offences


Fixed penalty notices issued


2023/24Issued% paid% paid or convicted
Dog fouling1272.7100
Free printed matter23100.0100.0
Waste deposits10582.9TBC
Waste transfers3467.6TBC
Smoking in smoke-free premises8196.3100.0
 Issued% paidCancelledCancelled by adjudicatorCriminal FPN issuedPursued through Traffic Enforcement Centre
Littering (civil penalty)683.30000



2022/23Issued% paid% paid or convicted
Dog fouling475.0100.0
Free printed matter1100.0100.0
Waste deposits10592.497.1
Waste transfers3485.3100.0
Smoking in smoke-free premises419898
 Issued% paidCancelledCancelled by adjudicatorCriminal FPN issuedPursued through Traffic Enforcement Centre
Littering (civil penalty)5600002



2021/22Issued% paid% paid or convicted
Dog fouling3100.0100.0
Free printed matter2100.0100.0
Waste deposits10291.0100.0
Waste transfers4187.895.1
Smoking in smoke-free premises4295.297.6
 Issued% paidCancelledCancelled by adjudicatorCriminal FPN issuedPursued as debt
Littering (civil penalty)977.80002



2020/21Issued% paid% paid or convicted
Dog fouling4100.0100.0
Free printed matter4100.0100.0
Waste deposits6889.71 withdrawn, 6 prosecuted (1 discontinued, 5 pending)
Waste transfers3770.35 withdrawn,  6 prosecuted (1 acquitted, 2 convicted, 3 pending)
Smoking in smoke-free premises4395.197.6
 Issued% paidCancelledCancelled by adjudicatorCriminal FPN issuedPursued as debt
Littering (civil penalty)250.00001



2019/20Issued% paid% paid or convicted
Dog fouling560.0100.0
Free printed matter27100.0100.0
Waste deposits7584.094.7
Waste transfers2889.3100.0
 Issued% paidCancelledCancelled by adjudicatorCriminal FPN issuedPursued as debt
Littering (civil penalty)1154.50021



2018/19Issued% paid% paid or convicted
Dog fouling1484.6100.0
Free printed matter19100.0100.0
Waste deposits / waste transfers11481.390.2
 Issued% paidCancelledCancelled by adjudicatorCriminal FPN issuedPursued as debt
Littering (civil penalty)4100000N/a



2017/18Issued% paid% paid or convicted
Dog fouling966.788.9
Free printed matter3290.693.8
Waste deposits / waste transfers11381.897.2



2016/17Issued% paid% paid or convicted
Dog fouling2171.495.2
Free printed matter30100.0100.0
Waste transfers - no paperwork7487.998.6



2015/16Issued% paid% paid or convicted
Dog fouling1762.5100.0
Free printed matter70100.0100.0
Waste transfers - no paperwork3096.7100.0



Number of prosecutions for litter, dog fouling and fly-posting where a fixed penalty notice was not issued

 LitterDog foulingFly-posting*


Prosecutions for waste crime

Only minor waste crimes will result in an option of paying a fixed penalty. Details of the number of prosecutions for fly-tipping and other waste disposal/management offences are on our fly-tipping page. These are also reported to HM Government and published annually along with other data on fly-tipping incidents and enforcement actions.



Littering - depositing litter, contrary to section 87 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 (fixed penalty notice issued under section 88)

Littering - depositing litter from moving vehicles contrary to section 87 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 (fixed penalty notice issued under section 88A and The Littering from Vehicles Outside London (Keepers: Civil Penalties) Regulations 2018 which enable councils in England (outside London) to issue a civil penalty notice to the keeper of a vehicle from which litter is thrown). Only one penalty, either a civil penalty, or a criminal fixed penalty may be issued in respect of any one littering offence.

Dog fouling - failing to remove dog faeces from land to which a public spaces protection order applies, contrary to sections 67 of the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 (fixed penalty notice issued under section 68)

Dog fouling - (prior to May 2017) failing to remove dog faeces from land to which a dog control order applies, contrary to Schedule 1 to the Dog Control Orders (Prescribed Offences and Penalties, etc.) Regulations 2006 (fixed penalty notice issued under section 59 of the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005)

Fly-posting - displaying advertisement in contravention of regulations, contrary to section 224  of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990 (fixed penalty notice issued under section 43 of the Anti-social Behaviour Act 2003)

Fly-posting - painting/affixing unauthorised mark/sign on highway structure, contrary to section 132 of the Highways Act 1980 (fixed penalty notice issued under section 43 of the Anti-social Behaviour Act 2003). *Number of illegal advertisements resulting in summons.

Free printed matter - distributing free printed matter without consent, contrary to paragraph 1 of Schedule 3A to the Environmental Protection Act 1990 (fixed penalty notice issued under paragraph 7)

Waste deposits - depositing of waste on land otherwise than under an in accordance with an environmental permit, contrary to section 33(1) of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 (fixed penalty notice issued under section 33ZA) - available since May 2016

Waste transfers - failing to comply with a duty to furnish documents, contrary to section 34(6) of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 (fixed penalty notice issued under section 34A)

Waste transfers - failing to ensure transfer of household waste is only to an authorised person, contrary to section 34(2A) of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 (fixed penalty notice issued under section 34ZA) - available since January 2019. The Council is required to report on these numbers.

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