Flood Management - Planning Advice

Flood Management - Planning Advice

Newcastle City Council is the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA).  The Flood Management Team act as the LLFA in its role as statutory consultee to the Local Planning Authority (LPA).  We assess flood risk and drainage elements of planning applications to ensure that there is no increase in flood risk and to provide environmental benefits through use of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS).

On this page:

Pre-application advice and LLFA 

The LPA and the LLFA always encourage applicants to apply for Pre-Application advice, this improves the chances of an application being successful at determination stage.

Pre-application advice from the LLFA can benefit an applicant by:

  • Informing the applicant of historical and strategic issues relating to the site.
  • Agree principles of the development in relation to flood risk and SuDS strategy.
  • Resolve SuDS issues at pre-app stage to speed up the time taken to determine full applications and reduce costs.


Cost of Pre-app



Stage 1

Stage 2



Major Development


Any charge above £600 would require prior agreement with the client


Any charge above £600 would require prior agreement with the client



Large Strategic Development


Any charge above £600 would require prior agreement with the client


Any charge above £600 would require prior agreement with the client

To submit a Pre-Application, guidance information and form are available from Planning - Pre-Application Advice

Please note, the LLFA have limited scope to review amendments to full applications once it is officially registered with the Local Planning Authority. The formal response of the LLFA regarding planning applications will be purely based on the information supplied on the application.

Advice for Major Development 

Major development should fulfil requirements set out in relevant planning policy and standards.  LLFA are consulted by the LPA when the application is

  • Ten or more houses, flats, or other places where people live are to be built
  • The number of homes is not provided in the application, and the site area is 0.5 hectares or more

For non-housing applications they are considered a major development if:

  • The floorspace of the proposed building is 1,000 square metres or more
  • The site area is one hectare or more

When developing a site layout and drainage strategy it helps to think about the following questions as early in the application process as possible:

  • How does surface water flow naturally through the development
  • What is the interaction between surface water and drainage?
  • How does the development attenuate the surface water and not pass it onto another area?
  • How does the development improve water quality?
  • How does the development create biodiversity and habitat creation?
  • How does the development provide amenity?

Further guidance on considerations for major outline and full planning applications can be found in Appendix B of the CIRIA SuDS Manual (C753) and the Regional Standards and Checklist.

A list of requirements for validation of major planning applications in relation to flood risk is provided by the LPA.

Minor Applications Advice

Minor Planning Advice (small housing improvements and 9 properties or less)

The LPA will only consult the LLFA if the application is within an area of flood risk or could potentially increase the flood risk outside of the applicant’s area.

If the development is 9 properties or less, or a small amendment to existing property the LLFA will be consulted for the following reasons:

  • If the property is in Flood Zone 2 and 3
  • The dwelling or dwellings are close to an existing surface water flow-path, which could increase the flood risk to or offsite
  • The dwelling or dwellings are close to a watercourse, which could increase the flood risk to or offsite
  • If the proposed planning application is close to a watercourse


In reviewing all applications LLFA look at the design of surface water proposals and physical measures to protect buildings and neighbours with a view to provide betterment for the developer and local area.   All applications are considered in line  with Guidance and Standards as follows:

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