Home Delivery Service

Home Delivery Service

Home Delivery Service

Newcastle Libraries can deliver a bag of books or audiobooks to your door each month.

You can use this service if:

  • you are unable to visit your local library due to either permanent or temporary ill health,
  • you have a permanent disability, or
  • you are a resident of Blakelaw and your local library is currently unavailable.

To find out more about this service, please contact us by phone on 0191 278 7878  or by email to  kenton.library@newcastle.gov.uk 

Our Home Delivery Service works in partnership with the Royal Voluntary Service. If you would like to volunteer, please contact us on 0191 278 7878 or email kenton.library@newcastle.gov.uk

British Wireless for the Blind Fund

Newcastle Libraries is an agent for the British Wireless for the Blind Fund who provide high quality, easy-to-use audio equipment which is specially designed and adapted for listeners living with sight loss. Equipment is available on free loan to blind and partially-sighted people who meet the following criteria:

  • resident in the UK
  • registered blind or partially-sighted
  • over the age of 8
  • in receipt of a means-tested benefit

For further information, please email information@newcastle.gov.uk

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