Cycle Tracks

Cycle Tracks

Throughout Newcastle there are several cycle tracks in operation, these tracks are in operation 7 days a week 24 hours a day.

Motorists are advised about the cycle track area through white lines marked on the carriageway.  No signs are required to be displayed.

There are two types of cycle tracks in operation. The first is marked out with white lines with a gap between each white line.  This would signify that this type of cycle track is advisory only. It is expected that other road users would not park in these areas.  As this is only an advisory marked area, Parking Services would not be able to issue a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) for vehicle parked in these tracks.  Northumbria Police would need to be contacted on the none emergency contact telephone number 101 to request enforcement of these areas.

 Please find below a picture of the advisory cycle track.

 Advisory cycle track, with bicycle marked on the highway with intermitted white lines

The second type of cycle track is marked out with white lines, but these white lines are solid and there are no gaps in the white line.  Enforcement of this type of cycle track comes under the jurisdiction of Parking Services.

To report any type of vehicle parked in these areas, please contact the Customer Response Team on 0191 278 7799.

Please find below a photograph of the mandatory cycle track.

 Mandatory cycle track, with blue sign cycle sign tactile white line and bicycle marked on track

Disabled blue badge holders are not entitled to park on either the advisory or mandatory cycle track at any time.

If a motor vehicle is parked in the mandatory cycle track area at any time a PCN will be issued by a CEO for the following reason; Parked on a cycle track not a lane or road.

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