Misuse of Blue Badge

Misuse of Blue Badge

Blue Badge misuse and enforcement – Newcastle upon Tyne.

Blue badge holders can park in all on street car parking bays and dedicated blue badge bays without charge when displaying their blue badge and in car parks where a parking charge may however also apply to blue badge holders.  Blue badges can also be used on yellow lines with a limited time of 3 hours (please see rights and responsibilities link below).  

A Blue Badge is for the use and benefit only of the person to whom the badge has been issued.

Blue Badge misuse is a criminal offence that could lead to a £1,000 fine and seizure of the badge.  We will investigate where we receive information that a blue badge may be being misused and will also carry out routine checks of blue badges to reassure blue badge holders and to protect the integrity of the blue badge scheme.  

Blue Badge holders and anyone driving on their behalf should be fully aware of the following four key rules:

•    Blue Badge holders must never allow friends or relatives to use the badge to run an errand on their behalf
•    A Blue Badge should only be displayed if the badge holder is travelling in the vehicle as a driver or passenger, or for the badge holder to be picked up or dropped off
•    A Blue Badge should not be used by a visitor unless they have parked to pick up the badge holder
•    The badge holder should not wait in the car while a friend or relative goes shopping. This could prevent another badge holder from parking within a manageable distance of their destination

In Newcastle, Blue Badge holders are also permitted to park in residents’ permit bays, but they are not permitted to park where there are restrictions on loading or unloading indicated by yellow kerb dashes and/or signs on plates.  Additionally, blue badges cannot be used in bays reserved specifically for other vehicles such as taxis or goods vehicles as examples.  GOV.UK - The Blue Badge scheme: rights and responsibilities in England.  

Blue badge checks

As a badge holder, you may have noticed that our officers are regularly checking Blue Badges, or you may have been asked to hand over your own Blue Badge for inspection. If you are not around when an inspection takes place, a Civil Enforcement Officer has the right to ask the driver to hand over your badge for inspection and will need to establish that it is being used in accordance with the rules. We appreciate your co-operation and value your continued support which helps to protect the integrity of the blue badge scheme and reassure blue badge holders.  This also allows blue badge holders to access the areas that they need to park through tackling misuse of blue badges.  

Police officers, council officers and civil enforcement officers have the power to inspect a Blue Badge and seize it if they believe it is being misused. Officers may operate in plain clothes but will be able to produce identification to prove who they are. A Blue Badge must be shown to the officer when such a request is made.  Officers are aware that additional identity verification may be requested and will happily wait for the Police to attend should the driver request verification of their identity. 

Please also remember - 


You should return expired or cancelled badges or those that are no longer needed to the issuing authority shown on the badge immediately.   

Report suspected misuse - 

You can report Blue Badge misuse if you have any information or concerns about this. The council will seek to take appropriate enforcement activity – including consideration for prosecution where appropriate – in cases where misuse has occurred.  Should you have any concerns or wish to report an allegation of misuse of a blue badge. please email the team at parking.cs@newcastle.gov.uk or by phone on 0191 2787799.

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