Major planning applications
Major planning applications
What is a major planning application?
A planning application involving housing is major if:
- Ten or more houses, flats, or other places where people live are to be built
- The number of homes is not provided in the application, and the site area is 0.5 hectares or more
For non housing applications they are considered a major development if:
- The floorspace of the proposed building is 1,000 square metres or more
- The site area is one hectare or more
Current major planning applications
Below is a list of current major applications, which are currently open to consultation, including direct links to view documents related to them and make comments.
If you wish to search for, view, and comment on non major planning applications please see our main planning search page. That page also contains information on the types of issues that we can consider through the planning process.
For more information on how to use our online planning system please see our step by step instructions.
4 - Location | 3P - Proposal | Public URL | |
2013/0316/12/RVC | Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals Nhs Trust, Multi Storey Car Park, Royal Victoria Infirmary Queen Victoria Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 4LP | Removal of Condition 20 (removal of restriction on use of car park for staff and contractors only) as amended by supplementary transport assessment, travel plan and car park management plan received on 29 July 2022 to planning permission 2013/0316/01/DET dated 19/5/2014: Erection of 9 storey multi storey car park (893 spaces) with access via internal road from Queen Victoria Road and egress via new access onto Richardson Road, deck access to main hospital, motorcycle and cycle parking shelter, re arranged surface car parking, and hard and soft landscaping |… |
2015/0897/78/RES | Site Bounded By Whorlton Hall And Cottages To The North, Westerhope Golf Course To The East And Stamfordham Road And Chapel Park Estate To The South And West, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE5 1NP | Reserved Matters Application for the access, appearance, scale, layout and landscaping of a bus, cycle and pedestrian link road, pursuant to planning permission reference 2015/0897/26/RVC dated 08.10.2019. |… |
2015/1796/108/RVC | Land Bounded By A69, Drove Road, Hexham Road, Throckley Brickworks, Including Throckley Recreation Ground, Newcastle Upon Tyne, | Variation of condition 1 (Amendment to housetypes and layout for plots 77, 78 and 247-281(inclusive) of Phases 4 and 5 (Cell N-T)) of application reference 2015/1796/80/RES dated 22.10.2021. |… |
2016/0643/62/RES | Land To North And North West Of Brunton Road And Land To North And South Of Ponteland Road , Newcastle Upon Tyne, | Reserved Matters Application: Submission of details of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for the erection of two-storey apartment buildings containing a total of apartments (Class C3) and associated parking and infrastructure, pursuant to application 2016/0643/01/DET dated 16.01.2018: (Hybrid Planning Application consisting of an outline application for the development of up to 439 dwellings including associated access, infrastructure, SUDS and open space with all matters reserved except for access (phases 2A, 3A and 4/2D and detailed planning application for the development of 90 dwellings including access, landscaping, SUDS and open space (phase 1A) |… |
2017/0666/102/RES | Land At Cell A, Newcastle Great Park, Primrose Lane, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE13 9FR | Reserved Matters Application for Cell A relating to appearance, layout, scale, landscaping and access for allotments and associated road infrastructure pursuant to planning permission 2017/0666/01/OUT dated 4/10/2019. |… |
2017/0666/103/RES | Land At Cell A, Newcastle Great Park, Brunton Lane, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE13 9FR | Reserved Matters submission for details of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale in respect of the erection of 28 dwellings, garages and car parking together with associated boundary treatment, pursuant to the Outline Application 2017/0666/01/OUT dated 04.10.2019. |… |
2017/0666/90/RES | Land To The North Of Primrose Lane, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE13 9FR | Reserved Matters application for Phase 3 of Cell A relating to layout, scale, appearance and landscaping for the erection of 53 Residential Dwellings (C3 use) with associated road infrastructure, landscaping and car parking, as amended by plans received 12.07.2024 and 26.07.2024 pursuant to Planning Application ref: 2017/0666/01/OUT dated 04.09.2019. |… |
2017/0666/96/RES | Land To The North Of Primrose Lane, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE13 9FR | Reserved Matters Application for Phase 3 of Cell A relating to layout, scale, appearance and landscaping for the erection of 22 dwellings (Class C3) and associated landscaping, car parking and infrastructure pursuant to planning permission 2017/0666/01/OUT dated 4/10/2019. |… |
2018/0382/27/RES | Land At Lower Callerton West Of North Walbottle Road And North And South Of A69, Newcastle Upon Tyne, | Reserved Matters Application: Submission of details of the erection of footbridge over the A69, associated landscaping and public bridleway improvements, pursuant to hybrid planning application 2018/0382/01/DET dated 26/6/2019: Hybrid planning application: Detailed permission for 198 residential properties (Class C3), access, associated highways infrastructure, landscaping, public open space and sustainable urban drainage features and Outline permission for residential development of 702 residential properties (Use Class C3), associated works, a local centre (Use Class A1 and/or D1), a footbridge over the A69 and allotments. As amended and supplemented by plans and information received 19/01/2023 |… |
2018/1549/18/RVC | Hanover Point, Hanover Square, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 3NH | Minor Material Amendment: Variation of Condition 2 (Amendment to approved plans) to include installation of freestanding guard rail to upper roof level to allow maintenance access to planning permission 2018/1549/15/RVC dated 11.07.2023- Erection of 10 no. 1 and 2 bedroom flats Class C3) over 8 floors with associated car parking (9 spaces) and cycle parking as amended by plans received 23.01.2019. |… |
2020/0174/13/RVC | Land Bounded By Pilgrim Street, Worswick Street, Carliol Square And Swan House Roundabout, Newcastle Upon Tyne, | Variation of conditions 37, 38, 42 and 43 (to amend the wording of the four conditions to to include the reference "excluding demolitions" to enable remaining demolition works to take place) to planning permission 2020/0174/01/DET dated 18.12.2021- Erection of a 10 storey office building and a 12 storey office building (Class B1) with restaurants, cafes or bar uses (Class A3/A4) at ground floor level; new single storey building for use as either restaurants, cafes or bar uses (Class A3/A4), and/or non-residential institutions or leisure use (Class D1 or Class D2); partial demolition, alterations and 3 storey rear extension to Worswick Chambers and 93 - 101 Pilgrim Street and change of use to restaurants, cafes or bar uses (Class A3/A4), and/or non-residential institutions or leisure use (Class D1 or Class D2), and/or office use (Class B1) with ancillary retail use (shops) (Class A1); erection of a multi-storey car park to include a total of 221 car parking spaces; and associated hard and soft landscaping, access and engineering works, as amended by plans received 21 March, 14 May, 10 and 23 June 2021. |… |
2020/1520/01/OUT | Land At Newburn Riverside, To The South Of Lemington Road/ A6085, East Of Newburn Industrial Estate, West And North Of Newburn Riverside Business Park, And South And West Of Newburn Haugh Industrial Estate, Newcastle Upon Tyne, | Outline planning application for development of up to 900 residential dwellings, (Use Class C3) land for a primary school (Use Class F.1), 1,100 sqm of local community and health facilities (Use Classes E/F.2) of which less than 500 sqm would be retail and leisure provision, associated access roads, landscaping, public realm, open space and infrastructure works. All outline matters reserved except for points of access. As amended by plans and information received 10.05.2021, 17.01.2022, 20.01.2022, 25.01.2022, 26.01.2022, 28.01.2022, 03.02.2022, 10.02.2022 site plan received 14.02.2022, transport technical note received 17.06.2022, sustainability statement received 24.06.2022, hydraulic modelling received 11.07.2022, Transport Assessment update received 20.07.2022, noise bund information received 24.08.2022, noise monitoring information received 18.10.2022 and sequential test received 11.11.2022 and including addendum to Environmental Statement. |… |
2020/1613/01/DET | Brunton Quarry Cottage, Hazlerigg, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE13 6PH | Erection of residential development comprising 140 dwellings (C3), with associated access, drainage, landscaping and open space as amended by updated plans and supporting information received on 02.12.24, 05.12.24, 13.12.24, 16.12.24, and 07.01.25. |… |
2020/1779/19/RVC | Land To The East Of Stoddart Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE2 1AW | Minor Material Amendment: Variation of conditions 2 and 26 (amendment to approved plans to allow an increase in food store floor space by the reduction of 10 car parking spaces, minor changes to car parking layout and provision of a trolley bay to planning permission 2020/1779/01/DET dated 3/5/2022: Erection of a single storey food store with access, parking, cycle shelter, hard and soft landscaping and erection of sub station, as amended by plans received on 15.3.2022 |… |
2021/0530/01/OUT | Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals Nhs Trust, Newcastle General Hospital Westgate Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE4 6BE | Outline planning permission with all matters reserved (access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) for a mixed-use development research and academic facilities (Class F1), NHS and other health-related facilities (Classes E and F1), residential institutions (Class C2), residential dwellings (Class C3), non-residential institutions (Class F1), business and commercial uses (Class E), community and leisure amenities (Classes E and F1) and small scale retail (Class E). |… |
2021/1363/03/RVC | Land To The North Of Stamfordham Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne, | Minor Material Amendment: Variation of Conditions 2, 18 and 22 (amendment to approved plans) Changes to proposed site levels and associated retaining structures, grading and battering, introduction of graded access on western boundary to enable level access, changes to car park surfacing and drainage strategy, alterations to internal fencing of plant yard, reduction in building height and amendments to EV charging locations to planning permission 2021/1363/01/DET dated 5/3/24. |… |
2021/1622/01/DET | Phase 2b And 3b, Land East Of A696 And West Of Station Road, Kenton Bankfoot, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE13 8AG | Construction of 237 residential dwellings with access, landscaping, allotments and associated infrastructure as amended by plans and information received up to and including 23.11.2023 |… |
2021/2387/14/RVC | Land At Pilgrim Street, Market Street, New Bridge Street West And John Dobson Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 | Minor Material Amendment: Variation of condition 2 (Amendment to approved plans due to changes to the approved landscaping scheme) to planning permission 2021/2387/01/DET dated 14.07.2022: Erection of 6-9 storey office building (Use Class E(g)(i)) with retail use at ground floor level (Use Class E(a/b/c)); demolition and internal and external alterations to Carliol House; and associated parking, access, engineering works and hard and soft landscaping. |… |
2021/2404/01/EIA | Land On The Former Malmo And Spillers Quays On The North Bank Of The River Tyne Quayside Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne, | Amended Description: Hybrid application: Detailed planning application for a residential block of 10 storeys containing 43 no. apartments and 50 sq. metres of commercial floorspace (Class E) on the north west corner of Malmo Quay; 13no. residential town houses of 3 storeys on the eastern and southern sides of Malmo Quay; 3 storey building comprising Cycle Hub (including providing Café and workshop space) (Class E) and 2 maisonette flats above; commercial unit (Class E); car and cycle parking and associated public realm and open space works, stopping up of areas of public highway and highways improvement works all on Malmo Quay; Erection of new electrical substation on land to the north of Quayside Road, adjacent to existing electrical sub-station; Outline planning application including details of layout, scale and means of access for residential and commercial development (Class E) comprising: Demolition of existing Cycle Hub building and erection of residential blocks of between 3 and 8 storeys in height with a maximum of 73 dwellings, with associated works to public realm and open spaces along Quayside; and erection of commercial units with a maximum of 76 car parking spaces on land at Spillers Quay as amended by further Environmental Statement and associated plans and documents received 16/08/22 and 19/08/22 . |… |
2022/0387/01/DET | Suite 37 - 39, Gateway House, 9 Kingfisher Boulevard, Newburn Riverside, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE15 8NX | Erection of new building (Class E(g), B2 and B8) new vehicular access points from Goldcrest Way, service areas, hard and soft landscaping, car parking, cycle storage and associated infrastructure (as amended 16.08.2023, 31.07.24, 14.08.24, 10.09.24, 13.09.24, 04.11.24 and 17.01.25). |… |
2022/0547/04/RVC | Outer West Pool, Outer West Customer Service Pool And Library Denton Park Shopping Centre, West Denton, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE5 2QZ | Variation of Condition 2 (amendment to approved plans) and removal of condition 10 (details of green roof) of planning permission 2022/0547/01/DET dated 22/8/2022: Erection of new leisure and community centre incorporating wet and dry sports facilities, library, community uses, associated landscaping, car parking and public realm following demolition of existing pool, library and customer services centre. |… |
2022/1131/01/DET | Land To The North Of Wagonway Drive, Parallel To The Former Sage Complex, Terminating On Land Located To The South Of Allotment Gardens, Strawberry Terrace (sub-area A); Junction Of Brunton Lane And Wagonway Drive (sub-area B); Land To The East Of Orangetip Gardens (sub-area C) And Land To The South Of, Including Replacing Two Existing Bridges Over The Ouseburn (sub-area D), Osprey Walk, Newcastle Upon Tyne, | Creation and improvement of strategic footpaths and cycle paths within and near Great Park, including the provision of landscaping, lighting, and associated infrastructure. |… |
2022/1135/01/DET | Car Park And Adjoining Land, Callerton Parkway Metro Station, Callerton Lane, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE13 8DF | Extension and alteration of existing carpark to create 349 space car park , including resurfacing of existing car park, provision of lighting columns (10m max height), provision of storage for 38 cycles, CCTV cameras (6m columns), reconfiguration of access/egress to/from Callerton Lane including relocation of bus shelter, landscaping, boundary treatment, drainage, ecological mitigation including offsite ecological mitigation (at land south of Prestwick Terrace, Newcastle and east of Midhurst Road, North Tyneside), and ancillary works, as supplemented and amended by plans and information received up to and including 19.12.2024 |… |
2022/1495/01/DET | Phase 2c, 2d And 2e, Airview Park Main Road, Woolsington, Newcastle Upon Tyne, | Erection of 3 x 2 storey office buildings (Class E), including cafe, cycle and refuse storage area, substation, associated car parking and landscaping |… |
2022/1967/09/RVC | Land On The South Side Of Heber Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE4 5TN | Minor Material Amendment: Variation of condition 2 (amendment to approved plans to revise internal layouts for redesign of internal cores with increased provision of evacuation lifts and associated lobbies and smoke shafts; mixture of units now comprises 303 standalone studio apartments and 20 clusters comprising of 1 no. 3 bed, 9 no. 5 bed and 10 no. 6 bed clusters.) to permission 2022/1967/01/DET dated 17.11.2023. Erection of a 14 storey building for student accommodation comprising 294 studio rooms (Class C3) and 20 x 3 and 6 bed cluster apartments (Class C4) with ancillary facilities, public realm, hard and soft landscaping. |… |
2023/0269/01/DET | Land To The South Of A696, West Of Newbiggin Lane And North Of Hareydene (upper Callerton), Newcastle Upon Tyne, | Phased Hybrid planning application: full planning permission for the erection of 394 homes (Use Class C3) and access via Spine Road to Whorlton Lane with associated landscaping, public open space, sustainable urban drainage features and infrastructure, and outline planning permission (all matters reserved except access) for the erection of up to 1,206 homes (Use Class C3), allotments, primary school (Use Class F1), local centre (incorporating up to 900sqm of Class E - Retail/Class F2 -Local Community Use) and associated landscaping, public open space, sustainable urban drainage features and infrastructure (as amended 22.08.2023). |… |
2023/0389/01/DET | Grievesons Yard Leighton Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne, | Demolition of the existing buildings and erection of 5 storey mixed use residential development including 84 no apartments (Class C3), 3 no commercial units (Class E) at ground floor, 32 car parking spaces and associated landscaping (amended plans received 07.02.2024). |… |
2023/0684/01/EIA | Plot 9b Newcastle Helix Draymans Way, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE4 5BZ | Erection of 28 storey building comprising 192 residential apartments (Class C3) and 18 storey building comprising 128 residential apartments (Class C3),café (Class E) to ground floor, both with associated ancillary amenity facilities, landscaping, boundary fencing and infrastructure works. |… |
2023/0928/01/DET | Cell F9b, Land West Of Maynard Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne, | Erection of two storey day nursery (Class E(f)) for children aged 0-5 years old to include external play area, extract cowl terminating at roof, 3no air source heat pumps, provision of car and cycle parking, hard and soft landscaping (as amended 17.12.2024 and 10.01.2025). |… |
2023/1223/01/DET | Dame Allans School, Dame Allans School Fowberry Crescent, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE4 9YJ | Creation of a full-sized all-weather hockey pitch to include fencing, floodlighting, land drainage, landscaping and associated warm-up area. Creation of additional parking to the north and east ends of the site to be accessed from Fowberry Crescent and Hartburn Place respectively. (Additional and revised information received 02.07.2024) |… |
2023/1294/01/DET | Land To The South Of Former Glassworks Northumberland Road, Lemington, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE15 8SX | Erection of Battery Storage System, associated development and infrastructure (including landscaping and access), as amended by plans and supporting information received 27.11.23, 09.05.24, 09.09.24, 12.09.24, 30.09.24, 01.10.24, and 15.11.24. |… |
2023/1450/01/DET | Former Kelly's Yard Foundry Lane, Newcastle Upon Tyne, | Erection of four storey mixed-use short-term let 15no. bed aparthotel (Sui Generis) with 1no. commercial unit to ground floor (Class E) and associated parking and infrastructure |… |
2023/1505/01/DET | Land To The South Of Armstrong Road, East Of Shafto Street, North Of Scotswood Road And West Of Phase 2 And Whitehouse Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE15 6HE | Earth moving operations, construction of retaining walls, erection of 348no. dwellings and café (use class E), highway infrastructure, creation of SuDS and hard and soft landscaping and other associated works (as amended by info submitted up to 21.01.2025). |… |
2023/1712/01/DET | Newcastle General Hospital Westgate Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE4 6BE | Erection of 5 storey building to be used for Research-led activities including, clinical care research, research offices, innovation, teaching and training suites, community accessible facilities including cafe and digital skills learning together with associated car parking and landscaping. (Sui Generis). |… |
2023/1865/01/DET | Plot 1, Building B, The Helix, Saint James Boulevard, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE4 5TF | Erection of 7 storey hotel (198 bedrooms) (Class C1) with ancillary café and bar at ground floor level function rooms at basement level (Class E/Sui Generis), associated access, servicing and landscaping. |… |
2023/1967/01/DET | Cathedral Square, No. 2 Cloth Market, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 1EE | (AMENDED SUBMISSION) Erection of 3 storey roof extension and change of use of office building to 139 no. 1 bedroom short stay serviced apartments (Class C1) across floors 1-7 to include outside terrace space to floors 1-3 to north elevation, reconfiguration of commercial unit to create refuse store at ground floor and new replacement external facades to all elevations and provision of cycle parking and hard landscaping/remodelling of highway along Groat Market frontage as amended by plan and documents received 19/06/24 |… |
2024/0074/01/DET | Land South Of Rotary Way, Gosforth, Newcastle Upon Tyne, | Erection of a coffee shop/cafe building with associated drive through (sui generis); erection of fuel filling station, electric vehicle charging facilities, car wash, jet wash, air/water and vacuuming facilities, and filling station building with retail and outside seating area (sui generis); formation of new access to north onto Rotary Way (A1056) and new access to east onto B1318; and associated parking, landscaping and engineering works. |… |
2024/0447/01/DET | North East Concrete Ltd High Street, Newburn, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE15 8LN | Erection of Battery Energy Storage facility with associated plant and equipment and supporting works including installation of retaining walls, boundary treatment, drainage and landscaping and relocation of substation following demolition of existing buildings on site. |… |
2024/0930/01/DET | T J Hughes, 86 - 92 Grainger Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 5JQ | Erection of two storey rear/roof extension and conversion of upper floors to create a mixed use development, comprising the retention of retail (Class E) at ground and basement levels (to also include serviced accommodation services and entrance/reception at ground floor level), the delivery of 188 units of serviced accommodation (Class C1) with ancillary facilities including a conference suite, business suites, cinema room, golf simulator, gym, games area, atrium and outbuilding at first floor level for use as wellness retreat for guests (amended plans received 23.10.2024 and 28.01.2025). |… |
2024/0999/01/EIA | Newcastle University, Newcastle University, Castle Leazes Halls Castle Leazes, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE2 4NY | Construction of 2no. student accommodation blocks (up to 9 storeys in height) comprising 2,011no. rooms (Use Class C3 and/or C4 and/or Sui Generis) with ancillary facilities, public realm, hard and soft landscaping, sustainable drainage and associated access, parking and infrastructure. As amended by information received 16/09/2024 |… |
2024/1316/01/DET | Whites Hotel, 38-42 Osborne Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE2 2AL | Conversion of existing hotel to 10no. residential apartments and erection of 8no. 2 storey mews houses (Class C3), with associated access, parking and landscaping, following demolition of rear offshoots. |… |
2024/1377/01/DET | Pendower Hall 175 West Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE15 6PQ | Conversion of Pendower Hall to create 4no. dwellings, and construction of single dwelling (Class C3), erection of 2no double detached garages, conversion of detached classroom to garage and cycle parking, erection of single storey courtyard infill extension to north-east, single storey extension to western facade and entrance porches to east and west elevations and erection of single storey wellness building to west. Demolition of existing gatehouse. Proposed hard and soft landscaping to include new pedestrian path, relocating of existing piers and gates installation of iron railings, and stone wall with rail (max height 1.8m) and parking. Proposed tree works to comprise pruning of trees 1, 4, 57, 58, 60, 62, 66, 67, 69, 70, 72, 73 and 86 of Tree Preservation Order 2004/001. (Amended Description 04.02.2025) |… |
2024/1569/01/OUT | Land At West Brunton, To The North Of Brunton Lane, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE13 9NX | Outline Planning Application for erection of up to 74 dwellings (Class C3) with associated roads, parking, landscaping, drainage and open space. All matters reserved matters except for one point of access and the design of this access. |… |
2024/1577/01/DET | M & S Motorcycles, 199 - 203 Westgate Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE4 6AB | Demolition of existing M&S Motorcycles warehouse and associated ancillary buildings to the rear, to be replaced with new commercial units at Ground Floor, with 10 residential accommodation units above (5no 1 Bed 1 Person flats, 2no 1 Bed 2 Person flats, 1no 2 Bed 3 Person flat, 1no 2 Bed 4 Person flat 2 stories, 1no 4 Bed 5 Person flat 2 stories), 4no 1 Bed 2 Person mews houses at the rear, 6no 1 Bed 2 Person units accessed via Summerhill Terrace, 1no 2 Bed 4 Person flat to Ground Floor of existing townhouse, associated car/bicycle parking, and refuse/maintenance yard. |… |
2024/1669/01/DET | 150-156 New Bridge Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 2TE | Demolition of the existing building (Use Class E/Vacant) and the erection of a purpose-built Student Accommodation building (Sui Generis) at 150-156 New Bridge Street, Newcastle, NE1 2TE. |… |
2024/2022/01/DET | Land Adjacent To Summerhill House Westmorland Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE4 7QS | Erection of four storey residential flat building comprising 18no. dwellings, erection of retaining walls and associated hard and soft landscaping. |… |
2025/0015/01/DET | Southern Area Of Town Moor Grandstand Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE2 3NH | Installation and repair of land drainage and construction of a Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS) comprising a dry basin and landscaped bund, with existing track being realigned and relocated on its surface, with associated landscaping works. |… |
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