The Newcastle Character Assessment

The Newcastle Character Assessment

The Newcastle Character Assessment is about protecting and reinforcing the identity and distinctiveness of Newcastle’s landscapes and townscapes.

It ensures that new development respects what is there and what is valued and makes the city a better place. For certain sites this might be by creating new character and identity where before the sense of place was weak or negative.  For others it will be by retaining and enhancing an already strong and attractive character. 

 The Council is committed to promoting places that are attractive, have identity and function well within their surroundings, improving the wider public realm and protecting the urban and rural landscape. Important views will be protected. We want development that will contribute to quality of life for residents as well as improving the impressions for visitors arriving in or passing through the City.
 The earlier assessment of rural areas is now extended into the urban areas and the results are being used in this document which encourages protection, enhancement and management of our landscape, green spaces, trees and biodiversity.

Did you know?

Character can be positive or negative. The assessment picks out the good and bad aspects of particular areas including any features that are very special, unusual, distinctive or unique.

The character assessment will act as a reminder for everyone that there are features of significance and value to be found in most local neighbourhoods: sometimes these are everyday features that are taken for granted, until one day they are threatened or removed and it is too late to do anything about it.

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