Public Health Healthy Cities

Public Health Healthy Cities

Newcastle-upon-Tyne has been designated as a Healthy City by the World Health Organization (WHO) and is part of its Europe-wide Healthy Cities Network.  Through this network we share and learn best practice and collaborate with around 100 other designated cities across Europe to ensure health is at the top of the political and social agenda.

Healthy Cities requires us to work in partnership with other institutions to create the conditions for good health and reduce health inequalities throughout our residents’ lives.  This can be through action on the built, natural and social environments where we live and work.  For example, this can be how safe we feel in our communities, or how easily we can access high quality green space. 

Healthy Cities focuses on the ‘6P’ themes of People, Place, Planet, Prosperity, Participation and Peace.  Cities have the tools, through political leadership, relationships with communities, policies and delivery of services, to take action on all of the 6Ps to increase the health and happiness of their residents.

Healthy Cities

Did you know?

As well as being an active Healthy City within the European Network, Newcastle City Council hosts the UK Healthy Cities Network – a network of UK cities and towns that work together to implement the WHO Healthy Cities principles. 

For more information on the Healthy Cities movement or the UK Healthy Cities Network please contact





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