Roads and highways policies and plans
Roads and highways policies and plans
Transport Asset Management Plan
Newcastle's Transport Asset Management Plan (TAMP) is our highway management document that lays out our approach to maintaining highway assets strategically and efficiently. Our TAMP details how council
owned asset will be maintained over the next fifteen-year period.
Our TAMP provides information and analysis of the maintenance of highway assets, including inventory information, levels of service, life cycle plans and risk profiles, which promotes and supports informed evidence based decision making to enable us to make best use of available resources.
Our highway assets covered within the TAMP include carriageways, footways, bridges and structures, highway drainage, traffic signals street furniture, road markings, cycle paths and street lighting.
Our Transport Asset Management Plan is made up of the following documents:
- Transport Asset Management Strategy
- Highway Asset Management Plan
- Resilient Network Strategy
- Winter Maintenance Policy
- Skid Resistance Policy
- Highway Inspection Procedure
The Department for Transport has allocated funding to local highway authorities in England to help them renew, repair and extend the life of roads. You can view more information about how the council has allocated this funding for repairs in Newcastle on the local highways maintenance funding page.
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