Significant Events and working with businesses in Newcastle
Significant Events and working with businesses in Newcastle
Newcastle is home to significant sporting and stadium events. NCC will ensure utilities are made aware of any significant events that are taking place via our coordination meetings and at NEHAUC meetings so that works can be arranged around these times. Furthermore for events that are taking place on the highway such as running and cycling events, NCC will request that any defects or SC81’s that are highlighted along the proposed route of the race are given priority so that they can be rectified prior to the event taking place.
In Newcastle we are conscious that we need to be sensitive to times of the year such as Christmas when we need to avoid any disruption and as such we have restricted working for any utility or council own works on particular streets. This restriction starts from the Friday before Remembrance Day and extends until a week into the New Year to allow for sales period. It is not every street in the city and this list is revised and is distributed at the Quarterly Coordination meetings. This does not though apply to urgent works.
All local authority and works promoters should be aware of the needs of the business community and the effects streetworks and roadworks can have on them. In advance of works taking place, any known businesses and residents that are likely to be affected should be notified and advised of the need to carry out the works, the expected duration, the likely impact and appropriate contact details should they wish to make contact before, during or after works have taken place.
As Newcastle has a seasonal restricted period, all works promoters should be aware of the sensitivity of carrying out works at certain times of the year that may have a detrimental impact on local business; typically this would be the Christmas period. Other tourist attractions have seasonal peaks during school holiday periods and should be considered when planning works. NCC can assist in planning works around business needs through its contacts with key business stakeholders.
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