Queen Victoria Road and Claremont Road
Queen Victoria Road and Claremont Road
The first phase of improvement works on Queen Victoria Road have been completed and the road is now fully reopened to two-way traffic.
The works include the installation of a new two-way cycle track along the length of the road as well as and safer junctions and crossing points and new bus stop outside the hospital.
We’re investing £2.95m in the improvements, including £1.3m from the government’s Active Travel Fund, to make this busy city centre street safer for everyone. A second phase of work, up to and including the Claremont Road junction, is now being planned.
This second phase will extend the cycle track northbound through the Claremont Road junction. Until then temporary barriers are in place at the north end of the track to help cyclists safely across the road using the nearby crossing point.

Cyclists riding north on the cycle track towards Claremont Road are asked to move onto the temporary shared surface at the end of the barriers and then use the crossing before continuing on to Claremont Road using either the shared surface or the carriageway on the opposite side.
Cyclists riding south can use the temporary shared surface on the same side as the cycle track before joining the cycle track when they reach the barriers.
We developed the plans for Queen Victoria Road in consultation with the Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle University, local residents, businesses and road users.
We also took on board feedback from people about the temporary traffic arrangements on Queen Victoria Road, which were put in place during the first Covid lockdown to support social distancing and active travel.
Work on nearby Claremont Road has already been completed as part of wider safety improvements in this area of the city. These works included new pedestrian crossing facilities, widened footpaths and changes at the junction outside the car park to improve traffic flows and make it safer for people on foot and bikes.
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