Jack Brooke-Battersby
By Jack Brooke-Battersby

Senior Staff Writer

21 May 2021

| | 3 min read


Extra chance to get Covid-19 vaccine

Newcastle City Council, Newcastle Gateshead CCG and Newcastle GP Federation, the organisations delivering the Covid vaccine programme in Newcastle, are launching a series of special vaccination clinics for anyone eligible who has yet to receive a vaccination.

Covid vaccine
Covid vaccine

The clinics will kick off next week – with a Second Dose clinic on Tuesday 25th and a first and second dose session on Thursday 27th. Further additional clinics will be added in due course.

The sessions will be available to any eligible resident who has not received their vaccinations. This includes anyone over the age of 34 and those who are clinically vulnerable.

All clinics can be booked through the National Booking system - https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/coronavirus-vaccination/book-coronavirus-vaccination/

Councillor John-Paul Stephenson, cabinet member for Public Health and Culture, said

“It is vital that anyone is eligible for a vaccination has had their jab. They are safe, effective and one of the best tools we have in the battle against the virus.

“The vaccination remains one of the best ways of protecting our city, our residents and the normal summer we are all hoping for. It is essential that we when you are invited for both doses of the vaccination you take up the offer.

“The strength of our partnerships allowed us to rapidly roll out our vaccination programme, especially to our most vulnerable residents. It has allowed us to move quickly and with great agility to develop pop up clinics when we have the resources to do so.

“If you are eligible for a vaccination and have not yet been invited please use these pop-up clinics as an opportunity to get a jab and the protection it provides.”

The Vaccination Bus will also be completing outreach clinics in priority communities and neighbourhoods next week. The Vaccination Bus has moved around the city providing pop-up vaccination clinics to different communities in local settings – including places of worship, community centres and schools.

The has been supported by Newcastle’s Community Champions which represent the diverse and vibrant communities in the city and delivered by Newcastle City Council and the Newcastle GP Federation.

The City Council’s Welfare and Wellbeing Team are happy to support anyone who requires transport or assistance attending a vaccination clinic to ensure everyone can safely get to and from their appointment.

You can contact the Welfare and Wellbeing Team by calling 0800 170 7001.