End of life

End of life

The death of someone close to you, whether it is expected or sudden, can be very difficult.

It is hard to talk about, but planning ahead can help avoid distress and make sure your wishes are met. Practical help and support is available.

InformationNOW has a series of articles to guide you through the process of planning ahead and managing the loss of someone. You can visit the website by clicking the links below:

Palliative care is a term that is used when someone is supported through a serious progressive illness. It also includes care for families.

Advance Decisions allows you to set out your decisions and choices about refusing medical treatment in certain situations.

Managing someone else’s affairs helps you to think about how your finances and wellbeing could be managed, if you are not able to do this yourself.

Power of Attorney is a legal document which authorises one or more people to manage your finances.

Where to get legal advice tells you about services in Newcastle including solicitors that can draw up a Will.

What to do when someone dies: a practical guide takes you through the practical steps you should take to inform organisations about someone’s death.

Arranging a funeral gives you information to plan ahead or arrange someone else’s funeral.

Bereavement explains grief, depression and ways of coping. It directs you to services that might help.

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