Have your say on planning
Have your say on planning
Current Consultations:
Dinnington Neighbourhood Plan
Dinnington Parish Council, as the qualifying body for the purposes of neighbourhood planning for the Dinnington neighbourhood area, have submitted the Dinnington Neighbourhood Plan to the City Council for Independent Examination. Details of the submission can be found here.
Draft Consultations:
Draft Nature Supplementary Planning Document - Landscape Trees and Biodiversity Consultation
The council has recently consulted on the draft Nature SPD Landscape, Trees and Biodiversity, and the deadline for comments expired 21 January 2022.
The council will now consider the comments received and amend the SPD as required prior to asking Cabinet to adopt the SPD. We will update this page to notify of the decision.
Consultation Database
If you would like to be informed of future planning policy consultations, please register your details:
Email: PlanningPolicy@newcastle.gov.uk
Write to: Planning Policy, Newcastle City Council, Barras Bridge, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8QH.
Please read our Privacy Notice which tells you how we use your information.
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