Newcastle's Homelessness Prevention Trailblazer

Newcastle's Homelessness Prevention Trailblazer

Newcastle's relatively good record on preventing homelessness has been based on long-term committed political leadership, council housing, investment in accommodation, advice and support services, and an infrastructure to facilitate consensus and partnership working. 

Newcastle City Council established the Active Inclusion Newcastle partnership approach in 2013, as part of improving our responses to the government’s welfare reforms and the associated increased risk of homelessness and in the context of austerity. On 17 October 2016 the Prime Minister launched a new Homelessness Prevention Programme and Newcastle was announced as one of three Homelessness Prevention Trailblazer ‘early adopters’ to pilot new initiatives to tackle homelessness in local areas. 

We used our Homelessness Prevention Trailblazer funding to support a public service transformation programme from 1 January 2017 to 31 March 2019. This has focused on system change and strengthening our citywide culture that makes the prevention of homelessness everyone’s business and homelessness crisis the exception. 

Overview of Newcastle's Homelessness Prevention Trailblazer  

Below are resources which share some of the learning from our Homelessness Prevention Trailblazer, grouped under the themes of the issues we decided to work on. We understand that different local authority areas can have very different contexts. However, we believe that we have some learning that every area will find relevant and replicable and we hope that others benefit from us sharing our learning and resources in this way. 

Responding as consistently and effectively as we can to residents who are homeless or are at risk of homelessness:

Working towards more integrated responses for residents:

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Improving our collective understanding:

Did you know?

Active Inclusion Newcastle sends out a weekly email which includes information and news items on issues related to homelessness prevention and financial inclusion, including future dates of partnership meetings and other items of interest. 

If you want to subscribe please email 

Need more information?

If you have any questions about any of the documents, or would like more information about anything listed you can contact us at 

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